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Nundah Creek: 6/4/2008 - TerryH bends more trebles

Terry H

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After high demand, there's a new technology that I'd like to introduce.. Structure Cam

So, Ash, Paul (UNT), Mike (Pauls mate) and I headed down to Cabbage Tree Creek boat ramp on our quest to fish the Nundah Creek. It was a pretty chilly morning, but that didn't stop me from opening the mornings activities with a nice Chicken and Lettuce sandwich from the bakery at carseldine, which also gave me a good chance to pick up a new surface lure from the tackle store next door (The Tackle Shop). Once food was taken care of it was time for some fishing!

We paddle out across cabbage tree and into Nundah Creek in our search for Bream, Flatties and whatever else would hit our lures. I noticed a nice rocky bank with a few rocks sticking out so I decided to flick a Bubble Pop in an attempt to get a nice surface strike. I couldn't muster anything up so I quickly changed over the my favourite murky water SX40F and began flicking at likely places for some bream.

As we can see on Structure Cam: There's some nice timber in the water there just after a sudden drop from the bank.


A couple of flicks around here and bam! I was on. A nice small bream to open the days play.



We continued up and I found this fishy looking spot. I was too excited to take a photo of this structure, it looked hot. Sort of like a cominbation of the previous photo and the next structure shot. Lures hits water, crank crank crank bam! I'm on again wooo away she goes, fish pulling away.

Fish stops pulling.

Lure starts working its magic again. :S Hooks pulled :angry: Or So I thought. Closer inspection reveals:


Hooks Straightened! So much for these good "Owner" Trebles. Straightened by a fish that didn't even take drag off on 8lbs. Ok I must admit I was fishing that 8lbs fairly hard for a change (Yes Lee, I made sure I tied my knots properly this time).

Anyway, I commenced my paddle/drift up flicking at likely spots. Before too long that Structure Cam went off again! Nice little fishy spot.


Ecogear goes in, one crank of the handle and bam! On again. This one is subdued pretty easily though, not before it flies from left to right and back again at a million miles an hour.


By this stage, Paul must have thought it was a good idea to get in on the action and he decided to get in on the action:


We continued down the creek, whilst Ash makes his cameo appearance to show you this lovely little creek lined with mangroves on both sides.


Before too long I was on again. Who says you need trebles? Doubles work just fine, and are much easier to unhook!


We continued along until you get to the section where the motorway crosses the creek, so we decided to turn back and once we started reaching the full salty sections, on came the fish again.

Paul got in on the action. What could it be?


Paul hooked this beauty, a self proclaimed “Fish Of The Dayâ€Â:


Well I wasn’t to be out done and here was another small bream:


I notice my top trebles are now slightly bent out of shape.. Curse those bream and their strong jaws. :angry: Before too long we were back this little creek with a shallow flat and massive drop off. There’s a flatty there I say out loud. Well I was right, before too long I see a big splash and bait fish scatter in every direction as a flatty took a swipe at some bait fish. Well, we couldn’t manage to entice that flatty, so the others guys paddle back around, where as I took this little detour. It was sort of like a little loop around creek, a shallow body of water that I reckon must have been fully of flatties. Well I was right, I continued trolling along and before too long there’s head shakes happening on my rod, and up comes a nice little flatty with its digesting food hooked on my bottom trebles :angry:


Back out into the main section of Nundah creek and just before the mouth there’s a nice shallow rocky patch. Cod time I reckon! Nope, not quite. The true catch of the day:


Big exciting array of lures used by myself, sx40s in the one colour. 2 stuffed trebles – time for another set of replacements after replacing both trebles last night due to rust.

Final Count:

Terry: 5 Bream, 1 Tailor, 1 Flathead, 1 Whiting

Paul: 3 Bream, 1 Tailor, 1 Catfish

Ash and Mike both enjoyed the lovely site that is Nundah Creek

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Oh crap... I almost forgot

Ash loved the creek so much he did a bit of a Kriso. Thought he'd jump out of the yak so he looks to one side: land and ankle deep water, so he jumps out the other.. Oops chest deep :laugh: if only I was there to see that :P

Oops, Sorry Ash ;)

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There's a few nice 50mm lures around that are a lot cheaper than SX lures. Daiwa SC Shinersin 50mm are ok if you want something cheap to throw deep into snags and not care as much if lose it.

Around that territory you were fishing I would have loved to have had a Gold Xrap8, 40lb leader a heavy rod and have been casting right up into the structure as the water was coming up over the mangroves and ripping it out hard. ;)

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Yeah excluding the odd boat racing past or the 10 yakers cruising through, it's a beautiful little creek.

I started off casting lures but changed to just trolling before too long as the wind kicked up and it became a pain in the bum to stop start stop start etc. As it was, it was painful on some of those bream because I was trolling as close as possible to the mangroves and I easily got blown in when I stopped paddling to bring in the fish lol

Edit: Dan I would have done that on 10lbs leader and 8lbs main:P I didn't bother with such things because of the wind, like I said above (albeit after your post) i quickly went to a slow troll because of the wind blowing us all over the place.

Just ask Ash, he'll tell you ;) (In case you didn't hear him from your house)

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Yeah I know what you mean with the wind. Drive me crazy. I usually have a kayak anchor tied off and ready so I can drop it when a fish strikes. That's also one of the few benefits of 2 man yaks is the other guy and help you out if you're playing a big fish.:)

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Nice report Terry! an excellent trip up a really sweet stretch of river. I reckon there's more ( bigger) fish in there, we just weren't catching them. Next time a 2M boomerang right down the middle I reckon.

Mike had a blast, I'm working on convincing him to buy a yak, but with a small baby and another in the oven he doesn't get much time ( or money ) for fishing anymore.

Thanks heaps Angus for getting out of your deathbed to lend me a yak for Mike, you're a true champion.

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Cracking report Terry!

Where abouts does Nundah Creek start in reference to Cabbage Tree Creek? All those creeks look really fishy and they are great to hide in when the wind comes up.

Did you see any sharks today? They have been hanging out in Cabbage Tree Creek lately and UN_T had a nice live bait there!


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Nundah is that creek opposite the boat ramp that's right next to the yaught place. Speaking of sharks, one guy in a yak was fishing with live baits in there, got busted off and had severe abrasion all up his mono, reckons it might have been a shark.

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TerryH wrote:

Nundah is that creek opposite the boat ramp that's right next to the yaught place. Speaking of sharks, one guy in a yak was fishing with live baits in there, got busted off and had severe abrasion all up his mono, reckons it might have been a shark.

Yep I know the one, just though it was part of Cabbage Tree Creek:blush:

The bank on the left side has rubble that holds some bream/cod and flatties and the big rocks on the opposite side (near the bird hide) are worth a look too, but don't get too close at low tide in a boat! That little loop creek off the right side looks good, but I am yet to get much out of it.

Who'd be crazy enough to go shark fishing in a yak!!! Other than you of course...


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TerryH wrote:

Moses Perch:)

You can see the dot.

Second fish is a Tusk Fish/Parrot Fish of some sort

Third is a Hussar:) (red with yellow round eye is identifiable from your picture)

This is a "full" Hussar [img size=283]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Hussar.jpg


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Yeah it was a good day, even without me getting fish! And yeah, always look on the side of the kayak your gonna be hoping off from. Worse part was i couldnt just easily climb the bank, it was all mangroves!!

Never mind, it was good catching up with you guys!

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