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See you later Queensland!


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Hi all, well the time has come - my contract in Queensland has finished a little earlier than expected and after 5 years in beautiful QLD my wife and I are looking to have fisherkid #2, so we're heading back to South Australia to be with family (there's only so many toys I can lose over the railing at Newstead boardwalk to fisherkid #1 :-))

Anyway, I just wanted to say that although I haven't been able to go fishing with the folk from this site due to my babysitting duties - you have all been a wonderful community for me to come home and log into at night. You've made me feel welcome, and I'm honoured to have contributed a small number of (mainly Newstead related!) reports in my short time here.

Thank you all for your responses, your help with sp/hb selections, your enthusiasm, support and most importantly your humour. After many years in IT, and having telnetted, FTPd, Gophered and http'ed my way around the internet since 1985 this is the most easy-going, balanced, on-topic, friendly online community that I have been a part of.

In particular can I than Kevin Chen for inspiring my enthusiasm in HBs and Dan, Angus and everyone else for motivating me to keep on chasing the breambos. I understand there are some decent bream in the Onkaparinga so we'll see.

I'm off in a couple of weeks (once I sell the house) so will loiter around until then - but now the decision is made with a couple of beers and wines, just thought I'd say thanks to all! Good luck with the site, the fishing, the rezoning, Ms Bligh, the traffic, the sandflies and the awesome winters and even better summers.

First stop is a couple of weeks in Whyalla...so I'll send you a snapper report if I catch anything :-)


nigehey (aka Nigel Hey) [img size=400]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/charlie.jpg


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have a good and safe trip down mate, there are some huge snapper off whyalla so can't wait for that report. also, the onka does fish very well for bream at certain times of the year, i caught a fair few decent ones last time i was in adelaide (i have friends at noarlunga). best of luck, thanks for the kind words and advice.

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Mate, some great words and good sentiments conveyed in that passage. And I think it is knowing that we give some 'respite' to those who cant fish at the time for one reason or another a bit of fishing related action that makes most of us post on here with the content and frequency that we do.

Good luck with the move and if you are back in QLD for a holiday then there is a spot on my boat for you.


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Why SA My Ex came from there and she tried to get me to move back haha guess where I am and she isn't lol

I hate SA it sux

but each to their own hope all go's well

BTW she aint moved back there either :blink:

she's still in wodonga vic where I'm heading for my Daughters 21st party this W/E then back home to Brissy tuesday :)


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