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Mouth Brisbane River + Fishermans Island

Terry H

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Ok I'd like to appologise first: Crap report - I'm in a hurry.

Arrived at luggage point around 5:45, 6 launched, can't remember when but Batman and I made our way down to the mouth of the river, trolling a couple of lures - me sx60.

Got outside and started trolling along the outside edge of fishermans island (east side I guess) and bam! I'm on woohoo. Up comes a mid 30s? dunno I'll check length against the yak later pike. Kept going, got a little fish, don't know what species it is - it's in the photos. The water was pretty clear out here, was in about 2-3m of water i guess? dunno, could see lots of reefy/weed structure, so swapped to a bitsy minnow since there appeared to be small fish.

Picked up a bream and 4 or 5 more of those other fish around this structure.

Batman reckons he saw some fish that he swears was long tails flying around this area, and some of the boaties reckons they're in the area. I didn't see any, so who knows.

Headed out to the shipping channel, dodging everything thats bigger than me, read: everything.

Then saw some birds working.. yeehaa!

Peddled over didn't see any big long tails jumping, so headed back home

Stopped when I saw a bigger bunch of birds working behind me again.. mmm maybe I will check it out, then saw a bash up next to me on the way out, so flicked a slug over, crank crank bang! nice... but not big :( Tailor around 35cm I guess - will check later. got over to where a boat was in amongst the birds, no long tails that I could see, hell no mac tuna either, looked to be more tailor - flicked out, bang yep another 35cm tailor.

Headed back, trolled across some fo those flats - FLATTIES I think!!

Bang bzzt yes, nice flatty comes to the boat, probably 40-50cms? Dunno - batman has a pick

Got back to the launch site, decided 10 fish for the day wasn't enough, so had a flick and troll around some pylons bam! yep I'm on

did it again, and yep! I'm on again! :D

Anyway it was this stage I decided I needed to leave to go to work..

3 bream

2 tailor

1 pike

1 flathead

5-6 of these other fish

Edit: Batman got a flatty - sorry about not being detailed, off to work now!

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TerryH wrote:

If it was tuna, it wasn't a school of them hording up a bunch of bait

I think batman said he saw clean out of thew ater and then that was it.

Yeh Longtails often do that, sometimes on the way back from Harries we see single fish jumping but with no real schools, Pretty much impossible to catch. But when we saw them a few weeks back they were actually having brief bust ups on the surface.

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kriso wrote:

im guessin some sort of wrasse for those mystery fish but could be way off. actually didnt some post one of these up not to long ago and they where some sort of pig fish?

They're are a Gunther's Wrasse I'm pretty sure:)

Nice work on all the fish:cheer:

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I would think that they are edible (ie not poisonous), but they have to be over 25cm to be taken. Like Shrimpo said, Hump-headed Maori Wrasse are protected, but all others are fine. But apparently most Wrasse species have soft, mushy flesh (from reports from others), so I don't think they'd be worth the effort. I'm not trying to stop you though, there are thousands of those things out there. I hate em:silly: hard to unhook

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Went past some poor guys in a boat.. was pretty close to them, I was dragging the lure close to the rock wall there,

"any luck guys"


then when I'm level with their boat (in between them and rock wall)

Bam. that first bream hits.. oo I'm on :D

Poor guys:(

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Forgot to mention.. almost had another first type of fish caught

Was cruising along and managed to hook up to a flounder/sole didn't see which - one of those types of fish

Got it to the yak,a bout to lift it in and the hooks pulled :o

Oh well.

Still haven't caught one of those fish yet.

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