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What is your species wish-list for the New Year?


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1. murray cod by half way through january

2. mary river cod

3. saratoga

4. marlin

5. sailfish

6. bull mahi mahi

7. jungle perch

8. pb aj

9. pb kingie

10. spanish mackeral

11. yellowfin tuna

12. dog tooth tuna

13. 1mtr+ gt

14. 2mtr+ threadie :laugh:

15. pb jew

16. pb cobia

17. 1mtr+ spotty mackeral

18. wahoo

19. pb golden trev

20. 1.2mtr+ barra

i think 20 is a very big hit list :laugh: :laugh: if i even manage 5 off that list i would be a very happy man :silly: if i manage half off the list , over excited man that is getting very close to the limits of adrenaline rush's :side: and if i manage the whole list i will probally have a heart attack from way to much adrenaline rush's :laugh: :laugh:

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Nup, pretty much been there done that, everything that was burning a hole has now been caught!

Just more of the same will be fine, although a few more trips would be nice, its tough between work, kids and rotten weather! Take today for example, you can tell by the forecast that Feral must have time available to go fishing, coz the weather is a shocker!

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increase the PB for species i have caught before, targets i have in mind are

50cm + bass (get help from ino for this) :laugh:

40cm + bream

50cm + jack

1 metre+ barra

80cm + flattie


New spieces

1 . Queenfish (hopefully done soon)

2 . Saratoga

3 . sweetlip

4 . GT

5 . Golden Trev

6 . Giant herring

7 . Murray Cod

8 . Mary River Cod

9 . Kingfish

10 . Jewie

11. Sooty Grunter

let the battles begin

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I'm thinking....

Mangrove Jack

Mary River Cod

Coral Trout

Spanish Mackeral

Big GT

There is many more, but could be here all day...

MMMM am thinking 2 weeks on North West Island with the boat will account for three of those and am hoping many more.

Happy hunting and good luck for the New Year everyone!!


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wesfish wrote:

1. murray cod by half way through january

2. mary river cod

3. saratoga

4. marlin

5. sailfish

6. bull mahi mahi

7. jungle perch

8. pb aj

9. pb kingie

10. spanish mackeral

11. yellowfin tuna

12. dog tooth tuna

13. 1mtr+ gt

14. 2mtr+ threadie :laugh:

15. pb jew

16. pb cobia

17. 1mtr+ spotty mackeral

18. wahoo

19. pb golden trev

20. 1.2mtr+ barra

i think 20 is a very big hit list :laugh: :laugh: if i even manage 5 off that list i would be a very happy man :silly: if i manage half off the list , over excited man that is getting very close to the limits of adrenaline rush's :side: and if i manage the whole list i will probally have a heart attack from way to much adrenaline rush's :laugh: :laugh:

hey wesfish looks like you will be fishing day and night 7 days a week to get all of them fishes :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: al i would gust like to get out haha
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i would just like to catch more fish in 2010.

2009 has been a poor year for fish caught for me .

but in 2009 i started with sp's and hb's.

but i think i spent to much time holding a can and not a rod this year while fishing.

if 2010 is like 2008 was then i will be happy with a feed caught almost every week or 2 .

but 2008 i was still a bait only fisho.

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elops wrote:

Arapaima gigas.

A fish I have always wanted to catch.

Regs Steve

I am a bit of a toga nut. have caught and kept all osteoglossiformes exept A. gigas and H. niloticus(african).Never really been interested in the african though.

Trip is planned for june Thailand not sth. america. Much cheaper.


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