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Caught him in my pot red handed!!


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This morning, I decided I'd toss a couple of crab pots into the back of the jeep and toss them in near the office on the low tide. I made the decision for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the weather finally turned decent and secondly, the BDM at the office who is originally from Mexico has been hounding me to bring my crab pots to work..... and he was in Sydney today! :silly: :P

Well, I set a couple of pots around 11, picked up some lunch, and headed back to work. I then attempted to do something productive for about 2 hours when I just couldn't take it anymore and thought I'd better just check to make sure my pots were okay.

I drove over to the spot and everything looked okay, so I decided that since I was there, I might as well pull them up and have a look.

The first pot comes out of the water, zip ties still in place, with 1 big jenny, 1 little jenny, and 1 legal buck :woohoo: There was still some mullet left, so I threw it back in and headed over to pot number 2.

Pot 2 is set in a really nice deep hole with lots of mangroves around it (I found it previously by falling into it while wading through the area looking for deep holes) and I think that it just HAS to produce. I pull the pot and see some movement inside thinking SCORE!!!! Only to get it out of the water and find a bloody eel!!! :angry:

I figure I'd better make the most of the situation and at least turn the eel into bait (I know, great idea :) ). I then spend 5 minutes chasing the stinking thing through the mangroves and mud as it slithers like a snake all over the place! Now I look a treat, covered in mud with eel slime all over me and only 1 crab to show for it :lol:

Well, it's quite apparent that the eel was the only thing having a go at the mullet, so I drop it right back into that spot and head back to the office with my legal muddy figuring I will clean up as best I can (we've still got a business to run here you know!).

Woo Hoo! :woohoo: The workday is over and I'm going to add to my mud crab count!

Only, I forgot that it was right on high tide....

I was able to get to pot number 1 okay and found this:


Unfortunately, they were jennies and had to be sent back to make more mud crabs for me to catch later.

I head over to pot number 2 and realize that it just isn't going to happen until the tide goes out a bit. I'm already muddy, so that doesn't bother me much, but the 20 centimeters of water covering the route wasn't something I was going to walk through at the time. So, I head home to have a beer and wait for the tide to start going out before I come back to check that pot.

At home, I dump the buck into the kitchen sink so I can worry about him after I get back from pulling my pot and adding another 2 or 3 to the dinner plans ;)

2 beers later the boy and I head back to the pots so we can have a proper feast!

Apparently, the buck from earlier realizes that he is alone with my wife and it is his best chance to create some havoc. A transcript of the text messages from the moment I walked out the door:

Dear Gary. I think all future catches should go in laundry room basin. Luv, your wife who walked by the crab and made it hiss or something

(At this point, I wasn't even in the jeep so I come back into the house to move it to the laundry room and she tells me that it is fine where it is for now and to worry about it when I get home).

Itr got out!!!

Put an ice pack on him, not usre it will work

Omfg!! Crab is possessed!!!!

He seriously pimched a knife!! (She seriously claims that the crab was wielding a knife at her)

Throow a toel on it (my response)

No!! I have him back in sink and towel will help him get out!!

How did it get out?

He climbed out!!

Went up and over the side like soup!!! (Soup was the name of my pet turtle years ago; it had a habit of escaping when I wasn't home and terrorizing Erin).

So I threw an ice pack and towel on him and chucked him to the larger side

Then he pinched the knife on the counter!

Now he is all angry like with a ice pack and dropped the knife on the floor but has a fork

He is still trying to get out

This crab is seruously pissed!!!!

I don't have anything heavy to cover sink with

Running water on him to see if he calms

Btw - I am gonna kill u 4 this!!!!!

Best I could do and his is banging at it

(A picture of the sink with the lid from a plastic container over it and the camp stove and cast iron skillet sitting on top of it).


This is NOT funny!!!!!!!

He is still pushing at the top cover I made!

Ur bloody crab is pissing me off!!!

Ready to start the water boiling

I swear this crab is crazy!!

I had my son typing my responses while I was driving to the crabbing spot.

We get there and I find him right in my pot.....


Having caught him red handed, I thought a couple of mugshots would help others recognize him in the future :lol:



He went right on 50 cm and I sent him back on his merry way so that I can come back and catch him with a rod and reel next time!

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