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Wavebreak Island social 22/23/24th March


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The funny thing is I've been camping there for around 20 years and have had the police patroling by and always have just given us a friendly wave on many occassions but I can only imagine there will be a tip off to stop us from camping there.

So in the future when we go to wave break island it will be through word of mouth and I wont post here on the site so we let the give ups know.

Everyone that has come on a few camping socials to difrenet spots have always said wavbreak island was the best as it had deep water straight off the beach and a 6 knot zone for calm conditions for the boats sitting on anchor with diect access out through the seaway to go reef fishing or even just to fish the seaway.

It is reachable for small boats and kayaks and has yabbie banks to keep the kids amused and keep us in bait for the beach.

I'm afraid new members will not get the notice about this social anymore but I cant see a way around it so we dont get troubled from the authorities.

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The funny thing is I've been camping there for around 20 years and have had the police patroling by and always have just given us a friendly wave on many occassions but I can only imagine there will be a tip off to stop us from camping there.

So in the future when we go to wave break island it will be through word of mouth and I wont post here on the site so we let the give ups know.

Everyone that has come on a few camping socials to difrenet spots have always said wavbreak island was the best as it had deep water straight off the beach and a 6 knot zone for calm conditions for the boats sitting on anchor with diect access out through the seaway to go reef fishing or even just to fish the seaway.

It is reachable for small boats and kayaks and has yabbie banks to keep the kids amused and keep us in bait for the beach.

I'm afraid new members will not get the notice about this social anymore but I cant see a way around it so we dont get troubled from the authorities.

This is a sad loss Mark. First your deckie spots disappear now these... I have to wonder about the community spirit now... does not feel the same way it did when I first joined... These socials are what made the community for me. These are the only BFO events I went too and I have learnt so much. It is such a shame.

No fun police eh?

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What a bummer. For every single offshore person this is THE social to go to. Biggest roll up of nearly any social and the fishing tips that get passed on during it are invaluable. I went from catching nothing to bagging out simply from the wanderers.

I would like to thank mark and our other little friend for attempting to organize this event. A lot of hard work goes into it behind the scenes, we have actually been planning them for weeks sometimes and I hope a new venue can be found. It would be such a pity to loose a weekend social at this area cause a haven't got a freaking cobia yet there, only a pesky marlin..... Actually that wasn't that bad.

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Ow well, I guess the wonderers will be no more.

Why why why why why why why why why why why

One thing after another.

Well boys, I can't wait to catch up for a chin wag in the future away from all the politics.

How a simple gathering, turned to the best gathering, can be shut down for really no reason.

This Is the social of all socials, all the best guys around 1 fire sharing fishing info, knowlage and some of the best stories going, not to be forgotten, the best campfire food going

The baby goat I have will have to wait

Don't worrie lads, we will be seeing each other sooner than we all think.

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Guys you are really not utilizing the site to its full potential...

Create a group... (i think there already a wanderers group) and set the access as private.

You can then include in certain conversations, invitations and events only those who you want involved but still have the opportunity to encourage other likely souls (this same logic applied to all sub groups of people whether you want to only discuss 1000 dollar reels or bag certain views on politics etc).

To many "cliques" of people have left over the years because they expect one of two things...

1. Everyone to agree with them.

2. Or leave.

Some people, no offense need to realize how non real world this logic is. If you have a prerogative you cannot be bothered arguing with nay sayers, create a group, set it to private and invite who you want. What do you do in the work place, social place etc when someone doesn't agree with you? Fight or leave? Whatever. Tactful compromise however seems a thing negated by keyboards.

This way you can participate on the site in the form of reports, questions etc without reverting to lurker status, but have your opinion in your own circle read by those you wish. We spent a long time making sure this site could facilitate MANY opinions owned by MANY people in a way that could avoid clashes. Sadly some people prefer the clashes to their opinion I think.

Enough from me.


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Wow, this has come as quite a shock. Although I haven't made it to as many of these as I'd like over the last year or so (15 month old - if I was a single bloke I'd happily go to one of these every weekend of the year!!!) I rate them as one of the highlights of my year.

Angus' suggestion sounds good - creat a discussion group and keep the spoilsport/s out. And then put up a report AFTER the event so that they are: a) annoyed that they missed out on a good time B) annoyed that we caught fish c) annoyed that they have been defeated by the mighty WANDERERS!!!!!!!!!

Long live the Wanderer's socials, especially at Wavebreak!!

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I for one didn't know that feature was available, thanks for that Angus, that could be one way of staying in contact without trolls and keyboard warriors having any input, I think it was ray who said, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything.

I don't have anything nice to say about the other wave break post so I won't but I will say that anyone who thinks the wanderes weekends will stop because someone puts a post up is kidding themselves, haha!! These things are amazing and promote AFO in the best way!

In saying that I can see why someone would get upset when they don't come hang out with the cool kids ;)

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Guys this is a direct link to the wanderers page: http://www.australianfishing.com.au/community/groups/viewgroup/27-bfo-wanderers

Tugger is actually the admin of this so it is in his power (not AFO admin) to set this group as private and invite, ban or reject membership as he (or the group) sees fit.

Please consider this a fair and great option in dealing with dozens of conflicting points of view which is not a problem... but simply natural.


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I'm pulling out of this social and would advise others to do the same as a few of us feel we will be targeted by police in a raid and fined for camping here I can only imagine they have been tipped off by certain people about us planning on camping there I will plan another social soon. I appolagise for this but feel there is a number of people out to spoil this social again sorry for this but I feel it is the best avenue

Man, I logged into this thread to say I was going to come out for a day or two to meet some AFO members and hopefully take my boat offshore.

Now this :unsure:

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This is what will happen like I said it will be word of mouth probably through the wanderers group page and i will set it up so but the new members will miss out we normally have 1 or 2 new guys come along to each social.

This generally gets them activated to be involved in more events on the site its just another step backwards for new members.

It will be hard to tell if a new member is really in fact another identity for these give ups and the group will not grow just remaining stagnet as I will now not accept any new members in to this group.

That is what I liked about the socials just posting up in the general forum so new guys can come along and enjoy the weekends away get to meet us all and share in the knoledge and fun we all have.

Sorry it has come to this but I just cant trust this site anymore with advertising our social down there on the Island this is by far the best place to hold these events to combine fishing and a good safe anchorage to stay the night with our boats.

Guys this is a direct link to the wanderers page: http://www.australianfishing.com.au/community/groups/viewgroup/27-bfo-wanderers

Tugger is actually the admin of this so it is in his power (not AFO admin) to set this group as private and invite, ban or reject membership as he (or the group) sees fit.

Please consider this a fair and great option in dealing with dozens of conflicting points of view which is not a problem... but simply natural.


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I'm gutted for pulling the pin on this weekend and we have already put a fair bit of planning into it and I feel partly responsible for having to do this but I also dont want to get people a fine. Then there is those that are now sitting back laughing getting their jollies that this is finished they are like white ants eating away the good will of this site

Take a bow

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Imagine takin a suggestion from this bloke does he even go out in his boat I havent seen a report off him in years does he offer anything good for the site why does he still belong here please dont post on this thread you have just wrecked this social

Go away

Currigee perhaps, or the bedrooms?
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Mark, this is not your fault mate, not even a little bit. There would be zero issue with wave break ZERO! If someone didn't go right out of their way to make it one! I've spoken to the police while standing in front of our entire set up and they didn't even mention it, in fact they were more concerned about wether we caught fish.

I hope this goes to show "beyonce" the kind of character of people like mark, although he's been camping here 20 odd years he will still pull the pin to make sure no one else is disadvantaged by an event he has organised.

I appreciate all the effort that goes into these and the community feel of everyone welcome.

Seriously, aren't there bigger fish to fry, it's organised fishing and good times not organised crime

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Just thinking out loud here, but do the people who run the different monthly social fishing comps (Flathead Social for instance) have the power the exclude certain AFO members from participating? I might need to check with Angus on this one.

If they did then that may be a way of taking a little something off them that they are taking off new members off the site (and that's the ironic thing here - those that are already in the Wanderer's fold will continue to enjoy these weekends but new members that the troublemaker/s have never met will be the ones to miss out on the fun).

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I have to say,

I agree with tuggers decision ,I too think it is a very wise move to knock this wavebreak trip on the head after what has been said and done regarding certain issues raised by bootyinblue.

Tugger your a fantastic group leader and thank you for considering the potentialy "not so good" out come of this event that could have arised from a direct result from bootys directionaly targeted issues towards the wanderers actions.

Mate (tugg)thanks for looking out for the group and like always your keeping the Afo wanderers in your best interests. DIb,DIb ;)

Valid points made buy Angus maybe the group could refine itself and become a little better including the invite only thing .How ever I feel that by creating a group behind closed doors is a bit like the "No Homers club" (from the Simpsons). If thats what it takes not to have a fishing trip ruened these days then lets doit,That's not what the wanderers group I know is about.

All wanderers members are very open minded people ,some of the crew walk to the rythum of a different drum ,but hey as a group we put out a wicked beat.

Mr Fillet

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Lets put some of this in context....

The post was made as a heads up to everyone including people who were planning to attend the event for the first time.

I cant stop anyone from going and camping there, and have other things to worry about than hunting down or organising a hunt for people that do.

If you were doing nothing wrong there would be no need to postpone, cancel or drive the organisation of it underground.

Its ironic to be so passionate about other regulations like fishing near wharves etc, but then openly flout others.

I am not sure what I or others have to be jealous about nor will I suspect we will rot in hell.

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Do you really think these socials will stop, I don't think so.

They won't stop Bri.

The focus on getting new members to socialize with other AFO members and to get them out for a fish as a deckie on peoples boats will stop though.

As Mark mentioned before,this place has got to the stage that you do not know who is who because of all of the false memberships lately.

Look at Shortie,he is banned yet still on here as Slickdam and the moderators know who he is yet they do not remove him.

Like I said before,the protected few still remain on here to destroy all the good things for everyone else.

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Sure Lance, it is a shame for the deckies and new members, These socials are nearly as old as AFO.

Actually the socials are older,there from way back in the day of the awesome BFO. The first social was organised because a BFO member was having a B'day. Now that's a community spirit!

Thanks for the correction Mick,See you at the next social. ;)

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Sure Lance' date=' it is a shame for the deckies and new members, These socials are nearly as old as AFO.[/quote']

Actually the socials are older,there from way back in the day of the awesome BFO. The first social was organised because a BFO member was having a B\'day. Now that\'s a community spirit!

haha yep happy day Trav

I\'m still going that weekend unless the weather is not verry good

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Sure Lance, it is a shame for the deckies and new members, These socials are nearly as old as AFO.

Actually the socials are older,there from way back in the day of the awesome BFO. The first social was organised because a BFO member was having a B'day. Now that's a community spirit!

Thanks for the correction Mick,See you at the next social. ;)

I have already been busy organizing the next one after Wavebreak Bri.

It will be a ripper social and it is going for a whole week with different people coming and going over that week but still with our main weekend gathering.

We will send the details to you and the other invited people now once everything is worked out. :P:P:P

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Do you really think these socials will stop, I don't think so.

They won't stop Bri.

The focus on getting new members to socialize with other AFO members and to get them out for a fish as a deckie on peoples boats will stop though.

As Mark mentioned before,this place has got to the stage that you do not know who is who because of all of the false memberships lately.

Look at Shortie,he is banned yet still on here as Slickdam and the moderators know who he is yet they do not remove him.

Like I said before,the protected few still remain on here to destroy all the good things for everyone else.


You know these sort of comments annoy me more than anything. We are not mind readers. We cannot act if people know stuff but feel no need to inform us until it is dropped like an accusing bomb in a thread.

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ok guys. I'm getting my lock on again.

message has been passed back and forth and again going downhill. It's very unfortunate that a social event like this has been cancelled as it's what the AFO spirit and community is about.

Honestly - I don't understand why anyone wants to continue to be a kill-joy. If you want to be a kill-joy - leave. If you want to inform people of some information they may not know about, do it in a manner that is less provocative of class anger. This isn't just a dig at what is happening in this thread, it's what has been happening recently. Don't worry about Ellicat and his wide swinging deleting and modding. I'm on the rampage now because I'm sick of it.

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