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22 minutes ago, benno573 said:

Goodo... always something around the rock wall near the entrance to the marina at rosslyn bay.


if you can get down to emu park, about an hour either side of a low tide around the rocks directly down from the singing ship, flick some plastics around and you’ll often turn up jacks, fingermark and cod, as well as trevally and blue salmon.

Hey Benno

Yep, we normally do pretty good around here. I've never been to Emu Park fishing, but I'm pretty sure I know the spot. I'm not quite sure I'll get there until my mum comes as my grandma/uncle probably won't want to drive me.

4 hours ago, Kat said:

Have lots of fun and fishing Hamish!

THanks Kat!

Cheers Hamish

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22 minutes ago, Drop Bear said:

So good mate. I am really excited for you. I wonder if you can hire or buy a bike so you can be mobile? 

If you can get to the harbour mouth you will catch fish. I hope you are packing your cast net? 

Hey Robbie

Yep, that is a possibility. I can walk down to Statue Bay where I’ll be cast netting livies for hopefully something! The harbour wall could work too, I suppose.

My uncle has a boat moored in the harbour. If it’s tough or we don’t want to go out, we sit in the boat and catch heaps. 

16 minutes ago, rayke1938 said:

Fishing in that area has improved immanency since the net free zone was introduced. Fitzroy supposedly full of barra and salmon. 

Cheers Ray

Hey Ray

Yep, I have seen pictures in magazines. A Barra would be awesome! 
Cheers Hamish 

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Well, so far the wind has been dismal so we haven’t gone out from the harbour (big chop and swell). I’ve fished once at the end of the harbour break wall for tiddlers (lots of herring around at the moment so our theory is everything is eating them so there’s to much bait in the harbour) and a few more just sitting on the boat today. 

Here are sone brief reports - 

Ignore any typos. Sorry for the crappier standard than usual - just hard typing on mobile.

Cheers Hamish 

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The wind is blowing an absolute gale at the moment, even 15-30 knots makes it almost un fish able  (abs not very smart going out either).

I went out and tried to go land based, but could manage nothing except a lot of wind. Off the boat moored in the harbour is better because I don’t have to cast as far!!! 

I suppose it’s better than being like sone clowns yesterday going out in a 3.3 metre tinny, driving on the wrong side of the harbour entrance, anchoring in the harbour entrance, and speeding throughout the harbour! 

Cheers Hamish 

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1 hour ago, Drop Bear said:

Yew thats awesome Hamish. 

Well done mate. I bet you are stoked with that lot!!!!! 

Thank you Robbie, sure am stoked! I’m really hoping for a legal grunter this trip though. That would really make my day! 

1 hour ago, GregOug said:

Some nice fish there Hamish. Well done!

Cheers Greg, hopefully it keeps up.

54 minutes ago, Sneaky1 said:

Good job Hamish give them hell

That sounds like a plan Sneaky. My uncle and I plan to try for some crabs with the frames tomorrow.

25 minutes ago, ellicat said:

Keep it up, Hamish. You'll have us all feeling like we've been fishing at Yeppoon.

Haha, thanks Brian. I don’t know if the wind would make you feel any different though! 

Also, my uncle and I went out again this arvo. I got a keeper cod (measured it legal first then panicked because it didn’t look legal, but then after sitting on ice I could see it was that 38cm mark so all good. I thought it was under because it’s gill rakers were up. Haha.) My uncle got about six or seven under size grunter, and a stripey which was kept for bait and actually caught the cod, and I got two grunter. They went off the bite after that cod for some reason. The grunter really loved the yorkies/herring, and the stripey worked equally as well. Just tougher.

Cheers Hamish 

Not Bad! 

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Oops - I thought the wrong thing. We were preparing ours this arvo and going to drive to a new spot to deploy them tomorrow. 

This arvo’s fishing was uneventful. Undersize cod, grunter, bream, and one smoking from either a good cod or grassy. It picked up the bait abs sat with it for a brief second than went straight into the mooring rope which seems like a characteristic of cod. Oh yeah, and I got an undersize grassy and just legal bream.

2 hours ago, ellicat said:

Good luck. Stay away from the claws.

Cheers Brian, I’m a bit of a crab scaredy cat so I’ll be extra cautious if we get any. Lol.

32 minutes ago, Old Scaley said:

Now you’re talking, Hamish. I haven’t had crab for ages. Pots will start to get a workout soon, especially if we get some rain.  Good luck!

Thanks Steve, crabbing will hopefully fire up Brisbane way soon! 

Cheers Hamish 

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