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Jumpinpin camping trip report 24-26th


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I’ll try to make this as short as possible…

Day 1: We packed up and left the house at around 10a.m and we were on our way to a 3-day fishing trip at Crusoe Island. After arriving at the cabbage tree boat ramp it was a quick trip to our campsite on the north side of Crusoe Island. After finding a spot that had a deep water entrance and a sandy beach we set up camp and I decided to have a cast net to see if a could gather any live bait about the 10th cast I felt the net vibrating like crazy and I pulled up a 33cm luderick.:)

We then headed to the pin for a bait fish and first drop of my ganged pilly I pulled up my PB bream of 34cm:cheer: which I was pretty happy with and it was released shortly after the pic. Fraser pulled a bream and a flatty of around 38cm before we decided that the current was too strong and we headed back to a sandbank to pump some yabbies. My dad got a 25cm whiting here plus a few other smaller fish as well. Dad had to go to work the next day so after dropping Rory and Fraser back to the campsite I drove my dad back to the Car.

On arriving back to the campsite I arrived to Rory and Fraser pulling in heaps of small bream and whiting and Rory, A fishing Jinx, managed to pull up his first ever whiting on a lure. The catch was pretty funny as the lure was nearly as big as the fish.:laugh: We decided to make Spag Bog for dinner and it was now that the Black cloud of midgies descended on us.:blink: Words cannot describe how bad they were but as a small indication, our dinner was getting covered in them.:angry:

Day 2: Waking up to more midgies we decided to check on the crab pots that we had put out the night before to find that one had been washed away :angry: but at least the boat was still there. We managed to get 4 legal sandies;) in one pot which was pretty good plus many undersized muddies and sandies as well. After an unbearable breakfast avoiding the midgies the cloud seemed to disappear as the day grew on and we went for another fish at the pin. Fraser caught a 25cm whiting, and a decent moses perch and I managed a 35cm tailor and also another 25cm whiting and Rory caught his first ever legal whiting at 23cm.

Moving closer to the bar we got onto a school of bream ranging from 15 to 28cm, which were fun for a few hours until it was time for lunch so we left them biting.

After lunch we headed to a hole that has produced some good grunter for an afternoon fish that produced mainly stingrays so we decided to head back home. Rory was the king here landing about 4 with one that wwas around 20kg. After another midgy covered dinner we went on a night fish that didn’t go so well with nothing caught. Came back home and made a fire on the beach which seemed to keep the midgies at bay.B) This was one of the best times in the whole trip because finally we could eat and drink with NO MIDGIES!

Day 3: Woke up to the boat stranded on the beach:dry: so we went for a lure session off our beach and we saw some massive flathead lies of around 65cm long:ohmy: in the sand so we were hoping for the best. We had a few short hookups, which were mostly whiting but they managed to shake the hooks. Rory was having trouble with his Baitcaster so I offered him my spinning reel and probably about 3rd cast I nailed a 43cm flathead:P which was released after the pic. I felt bad as this was the second time I’ve done this with one of Rory’s combos and he still hasn’t landed a flathead.:laugh: After getting the boat off the beach we headed to the Pin for our final time and again the schools of moses perch and bream where biting again and we had a few hours catching well over 30 fish, many of which were taking live herring that could easily be cast netted of the boat. We decided that it was time to start packing up so we headed back to the campsite.

After packing up and leaving the midgies we headed down to a muddy ledge and caught around another 15 bream. As a storm was brewing on the horizon we headed to our final spot of the trip, which was our hole that we fished the day before. I put out our sole livie that was taken quickly by something that had a few big head shakes and a solid run but unfortunately it dropped the hook.:( On inspecting the line I noticed that it had several nicks in the line from something that had large teeth and not a general roughed up section like you would see with a flathead. This particular hole is 10m deep so my guess either a jewie or a very odd fighting shark. Fraser finished the trip with a nice grunter of about 30cm.:)

I’m sure I’ve forgotten heaps of captures but it was a fully packed three days of fishing with hundreds of fish caught(mostly undersized) so that’s to be expected.

Oh another indication of how bad the midgies were three people used up a brand new can of Bushman in 2 days.

Thanks for reading,

Pics to follow.

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what we decide to take home.

Notice that all the bream where released even though we caught atleast 30 over 23cm.

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/PICT0011_AFO-ec50e1801c9f0205d7e47a166753b069.jpg

Oh and the reason why all the fish look so skinny here is that to keep the fresh throughout the trip they were gilled and gutted before being placed on ice.


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Nice work guys gets me feeling good about going on my campahing trip with pinkey fishyman and bait bringa hopefully we will also have sucsess. Ive alos got some large mosses perch to eat and pearlies gold spot and parriot fish from my charter last week nice work mate.

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Very enjoyable read fellas, made me feel like I was there (but without the discomfort of the midgies:) )

The whting that came in on that lure...is it mating season:kiss: ? cause he sure wasn't going to eat it:lol:

Thanks for the report and congrats on the PB bream.


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