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New Damiki Products for this Year

Zim man

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Hi All

The Fishing Industry Tackle Show is in 6 weeks time and like many other companies i have quite a few new products. :) I thought i would start a thread to highlight some of the new things that are coming in the next 12 months. I will add new products every couple of days to the thread. Closer to the show i will be able to have a timeframe for when the new products will be available.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to post. After the afta show, i will put up some pics of the show itself.

First lure up is the Striker 90.


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wesfish wrote:

i was wondering if there is a sinking stick bait in your range about 50-75mm would be good! oh and the range on this thread look the goods!

It is on the cards, i am looking at getting a 50mm stick bait, a 45mm popper and a few other things. the R & D is busy though doing other products for the USA market.

The hooks on the Damiki range, varies from Owners to Mustard and Damiki also are suing their own Viper range of hooks which come on the Napjarus , Saemis and Vault 42, & 55.

On the Striker though, i would presume it would be mustards at the moment and then the Vipers would be used for the newer stuff.

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Seeing as though there has been good success with the Napjaru lipless hardbodies, i would add their info sheet to the thread.


they are pretty light for their size and as such have a slower sink rate than other lures of this type. they also have several sound chambers with more than 3 sets of rattles.

for those who are interested the RRP is $14.99

more stuff coming up later this week

thanks for reading


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Zim man, are the Napjaru vibes available in regular stores yet, or are do they need to be purchased from you directly?

They really seem to be the magic lure at NPD at the moment. I've tried a number of different vibes out there but they're not working anything like the Napjaru's - obviously there is something very special about them.


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Those Napjaru's are good gear. When they were tied on yesterday at the dam it was like someone flicked a big switch and BOOOOM !!!

The hooks are nice and strong too. Some big bass were boated and the hooks remained nice and straight.

I won't tell what colour I used though...shhhhh.

They remind me of Mazzy Vibes without the crazy cost.

I'll get an order in soon Rob.

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They are a new product, having only been out for a few weeks. Having said that deliveries were made to all BCF stores around Queensland and NSW. No independant retailers in brissi has them yet. I am almost sold out of them, next lot of stock to arrive mid july. I will have some with me at the winter camp.

As soon as the new stuff arrives i will let you know.


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thats strange ray, Capalaba is one of the busiest stores that i sell to. i will follow up on it and see what they say.

Viclick, Keperra should also have the Napjarus. Most of the Damiki's in the stores are placed on the lower shelves and are harder to find. I struggle at times. The Napjarus are in bright yellow packaging and should stand out a bit.

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Next one up is a big topwater designed for Amazons Peacock Bass. These lures are awesome and have top paint jobs, i have already had requests from lure collectors for a couple.


Not sure on the release date yet (subject to demand at Afta show) or the exact pricing, but i beleive it would be in the $25 plus range. I will edit the post when i have the exact price.

Thanks for reading and tight lines


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another two new products to close off the week. i dont know about you but i am glad this week is done ;)


This guy below is the smaller version of the Tukun 130. This is the one that i was throughing around at Hinze. It has a very nice action and the rattles are pretty loud as well.


No definite release date as yet, but that will be clearer after the show.

Have a good week and tightlines for those fishing


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next on the new product line up is the Poppy 75 , termed a fusion minnow by the damiki designers. One jerk of the rod and it acts like a popper, if you give the rod around 3 quick jerks, the first pull makes it act like a popper, the following two pulls get the lure 6 inches under the water in an erratic action. you can then pause and let it float up to repeat that action, or continue with a slow retrieve and it will swim about 6 inches under in a very fish appealing way. i will try and get a youtube clip of it up and running over the next couple weeks.


I did a special order for a store in cleveland and he had good things to say about them.



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4 more for the week

for the bass guys, this lure has been pretty productive during the past summer ;)


Next is the driller, which is a pretty large tail spinner, length of the body is 55 mm and the blade is a similar length.


The ecostick is another one of the surface lures that will be out this year


finally the Lexus, in two sizes, this lure has a great action. I have a youtube video of its swimming motion here



by the way, if you are on facebook, then you can see the videos at the Damiki Lures fan page here

tight lines all :)

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Brian D wrote:

OK you are starting to get my attention now. Closest store to GC Main Beach or Beenleigh?

Can I do a direct order once the big surface lures are released?

No stores as yet mate in your area, but i have just signed on an Agent to cover SEQ so things you change soon. In the meantime, you could just do a direct order when the products come out ;)

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