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Woohoo, finally a big fish....and PB to boot!


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G'day all,

After a 24hr duty followed by an early knock-off, I decided to head out for a fish. So off I trundled with the family in tow, chosing the rockwall near the Bulimba Yacht Club as I hadn't been there for a while. Arriving at about 1630 on the run-out tide, I set up a couple of rods with frozen mullet and hunkered down, waiting for a bite.

My first bite came after about fifteen minutes, a pretty big jolt and then nothing.....Bait gone. After that it got a bit quiet, so I thought I would throw the cast-net at the bottom of the boatramp in the hope of bagging some livies to replace the frozen mullet with. My first cast turned out to be the only one I needed, as I pulled up half a dozen livies and chucked a couple on my rods.

Once again it was the waiting game, so I sat back and got some long-overdue relax time. Soon enough the family came over from the park, and not long after that dusk came on. So there we were sitting around having a yarn, when my new rod went off with that strangely musical ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, as line was stripped from the spool at a rapid rate of knots :whistle: . Geez I jumped, and scampered over to the rod before it went swimming, all the while guffawing and cursing and cussing, and generally being the most excited bloke in the world, and hearing in the background the wifey Shell explaining to the kids that I was just excited and that nothing was terribly wrong :P. Picking up the rod, I started reeling in the critter, but at that time he went on another run, so I jumped down to the exposed rocks closer to the river edge and retrieved a bit of line in the process. He took another couple of runs, and then the line seemed to go dead :ohmy: , and I thought I may have lost him as I reeled in the line. Getting in closer to the shore, I realised he was still there, as he headed out to deeper water again. This occured over and over again, whilst I frantically yelled to Shell to bring the landing net down. It must have looked comical, there I was, still dancing around and swearing/laughing, and there's Shell, picking her way over the slippery rocks in girly sandals. She got to where I was struggling with rod, fish and inexperience only to cop a knee as I shifted position. It felt like forever, but was probably no more than five minutes before I got him close enough for Shell to nab him with the net (awesome job, as she has a broken collarbone!), and there I had a Threadie :woohoo: !

Navigating the rocks back to the rockwall, Shell was way ahead of me, unrolling the brag mat and getting the camera. I reckon she was just as excited as me! The end result was one threadie measuring up at 90cm or so, and my first big fish, as well as obviously being my PB on threadie as well :) .

He was caught on 20lb braid with a 80lb wire trace (I know....Overkill, but the truth is that I just couldn't be buggered re-rigging my rod after chasing sharks at Kooka :P )!

He looked pretty buggered once I had him in, but boy did he taste good! Salmon steaks go down a treat!

Anyway, I am currently having beer to celebrate my first big fish, and I still can't wipe the smile off my face!




Just after getting him up on top of the rockwall.

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brisbane_boy wrote:

Lovely fish mate, we been gettin a few as well dont they go like a train on light gear, they are all born males accord to brad who researches them and turn female once over a meter long.

Yeah, they go pretty good, It's a shame they get so shagged from the fight, probably makes catch and release a bugger with them. I packed up quick smart after bagging him, as he was a fair sized feed, and wasn't too keen to hook another in case it couldn't be released. Love the colours on them, great looking fish!

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blairv wrote:

Congrats Ryan - looks like a great one!

Are you planning a Colmslie trip through the week?

Maybe some of your good luck will rub off

Hey Mate,

I wouldn't mind ducking down sometime during the week, sounds good! I'll PM you my number and we'll organise a time. I am working, but can usually cut away a bit early up until about Thursday.



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Angus wrote:

Well mate! Stoked you got that mate after the effort you have put in. That fish was well earned. Heres to many more mate!


Cheers Gus,

The quiet nights are going to be unbearable now, knowing what is potentially in the river! Bound to happen though. I didn't think fishing could get much better, but then pulling in decent fish makes it twice as fun :woohoo: !


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