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Crazywalrus tackles the coomera

Zim man

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hi all

Crazywalrus and i hit the coomera today in the hopes of a last jack for the summer. Inspired by my mate charlie, i was determined to make this a "winnng " trip.

As is tradition, a sunrise launch was done and a short drive to the spot and we were welcomed by lots of surface action.

after dropping a fish, Ted was on, a small trev but significant none the less as the first fish on popper.


I was soon on with a small one as well.


A few more missed fish, including what may have been a jack, and a massive smash on teds popper and the second ever popper fish comes aboard. Another winning stamp of approval.



Then the elusive jack demolishes teds popper and unfortunaltey straigtens the hook. Much cursing later and we are back to fishing. I dropped an awesome trev, it removed the entire back wire from my popper and cracked it open along the back. RIP popper

At this stage the sun was way up and i was in need of some numbers. Hit my usual bream spots and they were smashing poppers. I dont descriminate on size and all are welcome.



Ted was eager for his first bream on lure and this wish was granted.


we caught quite a few here and then changed spots. I got a whiting on a crackjack and a couple more bream. Ted dropped a whiting on popper and also had a barracuda follow his popper. Excited by the site of the cuda, a change of lures and some high speed cranking and then another winning moment




A new PB for ted and charlies seal of approval.

Time was not on our side and we had to leave but i think we could have caught them all day. on the way out we picked up a couple more and ted got another trev on a crackjack.


not sure of the numbers of fish caught, maybe total of 12-16 between us.

crazywalrus ended up with

1st fish on popper

1st bream on popper (and lure)

PB trev

so a triple winning trip.

good to finaly get out for a trip with ya and thanks to everyone for reading

have a "winning "weekend


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Thanks Rob for an awesome day out. I had a ball. Talk about heart in your mouth fishing. This popper fishing I think can be addictive. Thanks for the pointers and finally getting me onto a lure caught bream as there has been many unsuccessful trips. It was good to finally get out and have a fish with you. Will have to do it again soon.

Thanks guys for your words. Learnt heaps today. As always with fishing plenty of what ifs :P

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Good onya for getting out, sorry i had to say no Rob.. knowing my luck i wouldn't have caught anything.

Those trevs are awsome size ted, wuda been soooo much fun.. better than sitting in class listening to a mono-tone lady talk about cells and doze in and out of consciousness >.>''

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