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cruelty to fish


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Am I in the minority??

If i catch a toad fish I try to take the hook out and release it unharmed, same with cat fish,

I have seen people catch toad fish and cat fish and kill them because they probably believe they are no good and are a pest.

caught a dart a few weeks ago, was at the beach with some friends and their kids, a friend wanted me to put the fish in a hole the kids had prepared with some water in it so they could play with it, i decided very quickly to release it, i was regarded as a bad sport.

everyone is entitled to do what they want to do but i have been teaching my nine year old son to respect the life of all fish.

would be interesting to hear peoples opinions on this subject.

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Its often more work to kill the fish that unhook it and release it, am i the only one who tries to belt grinners from one side of moreton bay to the other?:laugh: cruel and fishing dont go together imo, in there world nothing has any sympathy its eat or be eaten, no judgement.

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you only have to go to the redcliffe bridge to to see cruetly to fish with piles of rotting toadies everywhere. once at Oxley creek i saw a bunch of bogans catching catties cutting them in half then throwing them on to the bank. at the VERY LEAST they could have thrown the back into the river for a shark to eat. i find behaviour like this both aggrevating and depressing as it gives fishos a bad name everywhere. and as for grinners i release them unless i need them for immediate bait use. myself62 karma for saving the dart.

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Mack_attack wrote:

you only have to go to the redcliffe bridge to to see cruetly to fish with piles of rotting toadies everywhere. once at Oxley creek i saw a bunch of bogans catching catties cutting them in half then throwing them on to the bank. at the VERY LEAST they could have thrown the back into the river for a shark to eat. i find behaviour like this both aggrevating and depressing as it gives fishos a bad name everywhere. and as for grinners i release them unless i need them for immediate bait use. myself62 karma for saving the dart.

I concur with u mate. Tons of toadies everywhere. It's not very nice as they attract flies and with them maggots. It's not as if they're poisonous to touch, so why don't people throw'em back in? These people should put themselves in the toadies' shoes!

I think some of the kids are even WORSE! I've seen one of them who intentionally waits for the toad to bloat up, and stepped on it so it explodes! WTF? And this kid was showing his \"skills\" off to other kids as well, setting a really bad example in my opinion. :evil:

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I normally dispose of Grinners quickly. Usually kill them then throw them to Pelicans, what harm is that? Tim and I did this every day at Bribie :P . If you kill a fish and throw it up on the bank that's just stupid. Especially if it's a Cattie so someone can step on it. Throw it back in the water for the Crabs and Sharks.

If no animal deserves cruelty then why would you slaughter them for food? I don't know about you guys but I don't know if you can say cutting a fishes head off before eating it itsn't cruelty :P .

What about Tilapia, simply slaughtered and thrown up the bank, is that not cruelty? Also just hooking a fish cruel.

I would say fishing is just one of those 'You've got to be cruel to be kind' type things ;) . Wow I think I now realise how those save the fishes campaigns arose :P .


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Thats right troy, the line between cruel and wasteful is grey here, is the 10 organisms the trawlers catch for every prawn cruel? they tumble around in the cod end for quiet a while before expiring. cruel is when the tiger shark bites your legs off before taking your arm off. the fish gods really dont care. grief counselling is then in the form of instant body removal, turned into shark shit.

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No fish deserves to die. Feeding grinners to pelicans is fine because the fish is actually used, Taking fish home to eat is fine because the get used, but throwing toadies up on the bank just because you don't like tem is bad. The don't even get eatin by anything.

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