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sweet as

James W

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well last night dazza and myself decided to do a tour of bribie island, a spur of the moment thing....we fished a couple of usual haunts for not much more than a couple of undersize bream......the last spot we fished,upon arrival had us all excited at the sight of a pack of big eye trevally just cruising around...we threw everthing we had at em all night but coulnt get a strike.....dazza had a aquid jig cranking but the squid seemed to have other places to be tonight:unsure:

the tide turned and the water was brginning to fill with life, trevally were coming around in bigger numbers, mullet were starting to jump and some big puffer fish were seen cruising the edges....then my rod buckled over!......as soon as i pinned this fish it went like a bullet....big head shakes....awesome runs..more head shakes....at first sight i thought it was a jack...second look i saw it was more siverish than red so i was thinking jew but it wasnt that shape...then it came closer... SWEETLIP!???....landing this fish was gunna be interesting with 6lb leader, swallowed hook and a drop of 5-6ft to get down to grab this sucker....dazza doing the controlling of the fish while i climbed down the drop and hung almost upside down with outstretched arm trying to gill this fish...several attempts and it was looking like it wasnt gunna work..then the sweety came in to my hands...gottcha!....a massive thanx goes to dazza here for doing the rod work fr me..thanx mateyB)

so pics were taken..handshakes given

baits back out.....the fish seemed to be really coming on with bream beginning to smash baits...dazza landed a nice breambo on a mullet strip and a pic was taken...and thoses bloody trevally were still there driving us nuts:blink:

im glad we went to our last spot...the reason the question marks when i said sweetlio....it definatly wasnt sweetlip country..expect the unexpected.... [img size=448]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/sweetlip.JPG


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