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Lady Fishers Weekend/Tanyas Hens 15-16th Sept


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Move over Manpower, apparently women find something more exciting than scantily clad, rippling men...you guessed it...fishing. Of course, a competitive element doesn't go astray.

On Saturday 15th September, four 'amateur' Lady fishers went on a Hens Party with a difference. After waking at some ungodly hour and taking a well deserved coffee stop, we arrived at Numibah Environmental Centre just 30mins late. Not bad considering the map and 'directions' we were given by Angus. Apparently lines indicating roads (unnamed of course) are the only things necessary to find your way through the Gold Coast Hinterland. The male mind...go figure.

After bagsing our cabin, the 'spangled drongos', we embarked on learning knots and a few survival skills for independent fishing. All mastered and we were off to compete for one of the many prizes kindly donated by Wilsons Tackle. I caught about 10 fish during the day, mostly bass and one silver perch - boy I wasn't expecting that tiny mouth...my thumb is recovering. Close to the end of the day I caught a 40.5cm Bass and didn't I think I was killing it. However, I was out-fished by my friend Julia who on her first catch, after learning the appropriated baiting technique, pulled in a 41.5cm bass.

No fishing adventure is complete without landing the ‘worst dressed’ fish in the dam, the eel-tailed catfish. Ellen and Julia both nabbed this little beauty, Julia was even game enough to hold it and pose for many pictures. Luckily only still footage was taken, the shape of her mouth will tell the story.

After a short journey back to the cabins, a hot shower was well deserved. A fish filleting workshop was delivered by Mick, and each of the girls pitched in to peel potatoes and crumb the fish to prepare a marvelous dinner. Superbly cooked by Steve Wilkes, the dinner was amazing. There is nothing like fresh fish and chips after a long day out in the sun. Of course, a fine drop of vino complemented the meal as well! Dinner was a great chance to get to know the other ladies and recap the day.

On the following day the race was on to catch a bass on lures. After painstakingly practicing the loop knot, we were all psyched. Deena and I tried a few different techniques with flashing looking hard bodies and soft plastics, but I realized that this fishing gig takes a bit more than luck. Our guide/mentor Leeann Payne landed a couple without a worry, as did Lady Fisher Christine. I was convinced I’d filled up the fish from my previous days outing but fishermen using live bait were reeling them in right in front of my eyes! My hopes weren’t dashed as I was still pumped after Saturday’s effort, enough to land me a prize. I walked away with a great rod which is the pinnacle of my fishing set up.

The drive home was filled with laughs and well intended plans to do it again sooner rather than later. Four ordinary girls have been infected with the fishing virus, eager to get back out on the water to try their luck and perfect lure fishing. I, on behalf of the other girls, would like to thank the efforts of Steve, Leeann, Mick and Bev for being so helpful and making the experience so enjoyable and worthwhile. We all learnt a lot, so much that we think we can teach the boys a thing or two. Watch this space…


Representing The Spangled Drongo’s [img size=374]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/1st.JPG


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Hi Tanya,

Great read!!!

Hopefully you can show Angus a thing or two about knot tieing now :laugh:

It was a heap of fun fishing with an all girl crew and i was pretty impressed with the way that the girls picked up casting, knot tieing and even handling the fish. They did extremely well.

Oh, and you certainly knew when someone caught a fish.... the yahooing was loud and the mood was awesome.

Go girls!!! :)



ps not sure if it's a respectable way to spend your hens. The girls were VERY quiet on Sunday mroning :)

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hey guys, julia here. awesome report by t, and thanks to steve and leeane for organising it all, and barb + mick for lending a hand. it was great that you all were so ready to dispense knowledge and advice, and patiently untangle my trawling line from plants and engines alike! learning to fillet those suckers was fantastic too! and steve cooked up the catch so well, my mouth is still watering: delicious bass.

i'm sure it's been said before, but...

[img size=333]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/NapoleonDynamite.gif

loooking forward to another fish very soon, but with many more beers in tow!


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