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Waiting on a Friend


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Saturday I had a pleasant ( :pinch: ) 2 hour drive to Caloundra averaging 50km/hr to collect my son and his mate from my sister's place to bring them home. To break up the drive home I decided to stop and have a look at Wild Horse Lookout. Having lived up the coast for a few years in the eighties and being a Sunny Coast person rather than a Goldie person I have seen this sign and place billions upon trillions of times but never stopped there .....until today.

We got to the lookout car park and Blow me down !! it's a 700 metre walk to the lookout ! and it's all uphill !! and I have emphysema !! It didn't take long to decide on a nice impromptu four wheel in the forest instead. A nice drive it was until we came across a particularly smelly festering cesspool of sticky mud that I decided would be the turnaround point. So we headed back.

Ellicoight Moment 1367

Along the way I had been building confidence in the puddles. They all seemed to be quite solid underfoot. That is of course until that last one where it all came unstuck, or stuck, or sticky or stucky....whatever. What I'm trying to say is that this long puddle that I had cleverly decided to avoid on the way in now lured me to have a go at on the way out. We got stuck. The water level was above the sills. The water encroached around my feet. I sent the young fella through the window and for the next hour had him playing sink the stick/log and let the air from the tyres and blah blah blah. We managed to get a bit of movement back and forth, maybe 2 or 3 metres, but not enough for the required momentum. Then on a drive forward I got a little traction and proceeded to drive into a divit before a rise. There was no getting out of this one. At this point I said a bad word and told the boys we were now well and truly doomed.



So close and yet so far. :(


Right on cue the phone rang ... the familiar ringtone associated to the crazywalrus.

Me "Hello"

Ted "How ya goin' ?"

Me "Not so good"

Ted "What's up"

Me "I'm bogged"

Ted "Where?"


Ted "You want me to come pull you out ?"

Me "Ahhh, yeah. That'd be good"

So there I was "Just Waiting on a Friend"

They're priceless, ya know.


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Thank you for checking out Wild Horse Lookout. I too have driven past that turn off many times and also thought, I must check it out sometime.

Now I know not to bother. :P

I wouldn't let that put you off Gad. Afterall, you'd only have to drive 2 metres to the right of where Ellicoight went. That nice hard, dry looking patch :silly:

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I think its awesome that you can see the funny side Ellicat and have a laugh at your own expense and as a novice 4x4 owner I'll think twice about where I'm driving in the future so cheers ;)

I enjoyed the video mate, looks like your boy is following in your footsteps as far as picking suitable off road transportation......... A razor scooter in the bush?

Really? :huh:

Next he'll be driving a navara in the dirt :pinch:

Or was that Teds boy? Either way the joke still stands B)

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Ya gotta have a go sometimes. My biggest mistake was doing it solo. You saw how fast and easy Ted was able to pull me out. That's the first time I've come a gutsa and I've done heaps over the years. :pinch: Didn't buy a fourby to drop the kids at school ;) and no shame in making mistakes. Life's an adventure.

That was Ted's boy with the scooter who, incidentally, vowed just late yesterday arvo to never ride a scooter again. That's a whole other story though, that Ted may or may not wish to elaborate on :whistle:

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Thank you for checking out Wild Horse Lookout. I too have driven past that turn off many times and also thought, I must check it out sometime.

Now I know not to bother. :P

I wouldn't let that put you off Gad. Afterall, you'd only have to drive 2 metres to the right of where Ellicoight went. That nice hard, dry looking patch :silly:

Terry, it`s not the drive that`s put me off it`s... e`cat quote { it's a 700 metre walk to the lookout ! and it's all uphill !! }

if e`cat has trouble with his judging of firmness, how good do we think his mental calculations/estimations of distance is :P

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Just remembered the final Ellicoight moment.

I went to the servo straight after to re-inflate the tyres. When I was winding the hose back on I discovered a dust cap still in my hand. I finished rolling the hose on then went to the last tyre to be inflated to put the dust cap on. I found the valve was stuck in and the tyre had deflated to 7psi. :pinch: Found a fishhook in the console and eventually got it unstuck. :evil:

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After not being on for a while it was good to see you keeping everyone entertained Ellicat. :lol:

You invest in a friend called warnie. 8000lb should do you.

I still have those Nissan car mats if you need some replacements and also that rod to give you.

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Nothing like those sinking feelings, I used to ride my bike along side the highway and got stuck solo in a mud pit doing the old "she'll be right mate". Truckies thought it was funny, my trying to get the bike out, waste deep in water and mud, not so much fun when you're by yourself.

I did something similar to my old jack driving out to the pinkinba poo shoot through the paddock. I'd change or check the oil in the diff's. My rear diff ended up need to be replaced as water & silt was sucked through the breathers.

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