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weekend at the pin


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Hey guys got back this arvo and what a beautiful weekend it was. Saw no evidence of the predicted strong SW winds altough it was abit blowy in the open parts. On the way up we decided to have a fish comp, whoever caught the heaviest eatable fish wins a carton of rum cans.

The first night we headed to crusoe island, arrived right on sunset and pretty much straight away got into the bream:woohoo: they were on fire at some stages we had triple hookups. They weren't small either most of them were over 28cm, all caught on mullet they wouldnt touch any other bait:huh: We fished til 2am and our total tally for the night was 49 bream and a small mangrove jack. Woke up at 5am for the morning session which was fairly quiet just 4 bream in 3 hrs.

After spending most of the morning just relaxing and listening to music we decided to head up to cobby passage. Anchored about 200m inside the passage fished foe a n hour or so with no success so i got into the row boat and head over to a sand bank to get some yabbies and for a fish. Got enough yabbies for the night so decided to have a flick off the bank and after 5min caught a nice 49cm flathead:)

Headed back to the houseboat for a good nights fishing. we ended up with 24 bream between 24 and 29cm and we released them all because we got a good feed of them the night before. We decided to have an earlier night as the previous night wrecked us.

woke up this morning at 530 mainly using yabbies and mullet as bait. in 2 hrs we got another 18 bream 10 butter bream 3 whiting and 4 fingermark:) But my best moment of the trip came an hour before we had to head back to the marina. We were about to call it quits when a of a sudden a big school of bait fish came through followed by tailor basically jumping out of the water to eat them so i got out the gang hooks and the pillies and started casting. As soon as my bait hit the water bang im on:woohoo: i was certain it was a tailor but to my surprise it was a 30cm bream. so i threw another pilley out and BANG:woohoo: this felt big took me straight into the mangroves came out back in again at this stage i was thinking a nice flattie or a dam stingray. Got it close to the boat and saw a silver flash and saw a very big bream on the end and after a few hairy moments with my mate trying to net it i got it in. And to my delight it was a new Pb bream:woohoo: 39cm and weight 925g:) So i can now say my form slump is finally over:)

Overall tally for the weekend

91 bream

10 butter bream

3 flathead

4 fingermark

3 whiting

1 mangrove jack [img size=374]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Picture_203_AFO.jpg


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And after this weekend i've decided to give up on the sp's. My mate and i used them for hours but not even a touch:( while everyone around us were pulling in bream after bream on yabbies and mullet. As soon as we swapped back to bait we were into them:)

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