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What fish is this.


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shortie wrote:

its actually a Hypseleotris barrawayi

I'm confused, if you knew what sort of fish it was, what was the challenge. I've got to admit i thought it was a shiny neon fish. but i'm not cool and own a fish tank

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Do$tylz wrote:

^^ just to mess with elops :D

Got me too :laugh: and with an Eleotrid, though it is one that is found only in the upper Katherine river and was described in 2007 :lol: well done shortie :lol: try again this is my favourite game ;)

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ive only ever heard of 1 of those fish being caught Kreel. They are very rare.

It came from a disgustingly dirty piece of water.

I believe the water course it was found it was called something like Kreels's Bath Tub.

When fishing this water be very careful what Rod you use.

There are some very severe snags in that water that you dont even want to contemplate hooking up on.

These fish are actually blind despite the size of their eyes.

I believe the scientific name for them is

Scared Blindus.

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James W wrote:

banded grunter?

Half right James but close enough, it is a bit of a tricky one. It is actually a hybrid barred grunter x ? Terapontid(grunter family) produced by hormone induction by an unethical aquaculturist and released into Leslie Harrison Dam by persons unknown.

They breed true to this form and schools of various sized fish are common there.

The biggest one I caught was 32 cm.

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shortie wrote:

ive only ever heard of 1 of those fish being caught Kreel. They are very rare.

It came from a disgustingly dirty piece of water.

I believe the water course it was found it was called something like Kreels's Bath Tub.

When fishing this water be very careful what Rod you use.

There are some very severe snags in that water that you dont even want to contemplate hooking up on.

These fish are actually blind despite the size of their eyes.

I believe the scientific name for them is

Scared Blindus.

Most illuminating Shortie, thank you for your informative and accurate analysis. :laugh:

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if that fish has come out of kreels bath tub it was caught with only one piece of tackle and I'm not putting my hands any were near that thing

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shortie wrote:

The common name for this is a seahorse.

Whats is the scientific name Steve.

What size tank will i need to keep it in. SEAHORSE.jpg

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think that it is undescribed maybe you should name it yourself :lol:

Actually it looks to be a bit vertically challenged, maybe Hairyus shortiei :laugh:

Looks a bit big for a tank, you would have to put it in the pool, though I think its poop would float and probably block up the skimmer.

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