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Aussie salmon


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Jimmy mentioned aussie salmon in my Moreton post, and ive never caught one, or no anyone who has.

Has anyone cuaght them before? What sort of tackle and bait do they go for? If i throw some smelly pilchards off the rocks, will they go them? Or should i use my trusty taylor slugs?

Any clues?

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HI ASH,when i was fishing in adelaide this was the fish we targeted.

We used a patanoster rig in the surf with pillies and i'm sure ur tailor rigs and slugs will work fine.

Ive heard reports of them catching them on sth straddie and the gold coast but i haven't caught any up here yet.... which is a pity cause they are a blast to catch....


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I've caught a ship load of salmon down south of the beach. They are great fun to catch and will test out even the better fisherman with their fast runs and ability to fight hard in surf like conditions. The rig I used was an Alvey reel and 12ft beach rod, 30lbs mono line main and leader with a running sinker set up to 4 4/0 gang hooks. Pillies were used for bait which are eagerly taken by the salmon. Salmon usually school in large numbers and will eat their way through bait like there's no tomorrow so take plenty when hunting Aussie salmon.

The ones I was catching were around 3ft/4ft long and weighed about 5kgs+ each caught way more than I need so plenty were released but I did take home a few. I remember the occasion well as they were the length of the boot in my old 66 Special( 1966 HR Holden for U younger guy's).

Remember if your going to keep a feed of salmon bleed them straight away and bury them in the sand to bleed with their tails sticking up....

Well thats my 2 cents worth......

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If bait fishing pillies are the go ;)

But a word of warning dont leave your rod unattended and make sure your rod is firmly secured :woohoo:

when thet hit they hit hard and have dragged my rod down the beach towards the surf on a few occasions :pinch: (I was using the old pvc pipe rod holder)

When pier fishing I,ve seen several rods take off over the pier into the drink :angry:

Angus I have read reports that they are coming further up north every year since they closed the inshore netting :)


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Good stuff! Im a little excited about the possibility now! I was taking the alvey any way, so hopefully it';ll get a good work out! I just need to get some gang hooks now! lost most of them last time i gave em a go!

With the thrirty pound, how do u find it effects your casting? my alvey currently has 12lb mono, so i might need to up grade. So looking forward to the weekend!

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Ash the 30lbs line casts well with a fair amount of sinker weight and with the huge pillie stuck on the end. The beach I fished had a very strong side current that required a heavy sinker and the fact that I was hoping to bag a beach jewie so this outfit/rig was suited to the conditions. Your 12lbs line maybe ok for more calmer conditions like in the bay or around quieter headlands but do remember lots of LARGE fish just love to chew on whole pillies.....

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