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Suburbs of Origin 21/22 Summer Slam! General Chat

The Mad Hughesy

Suburbs of Origin 21/22 Summer Slam dates  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. proposed dates of the SOO comp

    • 11/12/2021 - 16/01/2022
    • wait til next year so it isnt over the xmas break
    • another time TBD

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  • Poll closed on 11/28/2021 at 11:23 PM

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24 minutes ago, Tuna are fish said:

Does it work like, if i catch a fish i take a photo with the measurements and post it? and also will tuna types be counted, if so count me in for the north

legend, ill add you to the team! to answer your question, yes youre basically right. the previous rules and details are here

once the dates are confirmed, ill create a new topic for the rules for this years event


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12 hours ago, christophagus said:

well there goes 1st, 2nd and 3rd for macks then! i might have to give you a handicap @tuggerto give anyone else a chance 😄

Hey @tugger, should we tell the Northside scumbags about the secret island social we're planning where we'll be slaying macks and drinking beer ............... 🤔🙃😁

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13 hours ago, Breaming with bro said:

I’ve been pretty inconsistent with fishing this year but 2022 is gonna be different. Unfortunately this year I’m gonna be on the Southside .as last year I was in north east QLD

thats ok mate. i like how you used the word "unfortunately" live on the south side now. ill forgive you. 

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On 10/11/2021 at 1:31 PM, christophagus said:

Well well well...just when you thought id missed the comp for this year. Well, i kind of did due to a hell of a lot happening during the year for myself but that's all in the past now.

Welcome to the SUBURBS OF ORIGIN 21/22 SUMMER SLAM!!

To mix things up, there are a few things changing for this years competition. First of all, its being held over the summer months/Xmas time (proposed 11/12/2021 - 16/01/2022, please vote in the poll). I know it is a very busy time on the water, but its also the only time of the year some people have the opportunity to go fishing. The idea of this is to get as many people involved as possible. Id imagine this time of year would allow most people to fish. Second of all, something that will have a greater impact on the comp (how the scoring is determined), instead of having one winner per category, there will now be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each fish species. Each place will have a corresponding score. 1st (3 points) 2nd (2 points) 3rd (1 point). For either team North or South to win, they will need to have scored the most points overall. Make sense? Also, given this will be held over summer, I've now included a shark category. For this category, only "legal" sharks will be accepted (1.5m or lower). In the off chance that two identical length fish are caught, then all anglers who catch that exact same sized fish species will be awarded the same point. Eg: two people catch a bream that is 35cm which is the joint biggest fish. Both angles will score 1st/ 3 points (of course, this only applies when a Team North and team South anglers catch the same sized fish). So the same team cannot share and double up on points for any given place. Ideally, the measurement should be down to the mm, but that is not always the case as not everyone has a brag mat that goes down to the mm.  

Like last year, i will be give the winners of each category the opportunity to buy a trophy, as well as all members of the winning team. 

There will be 3 topics associated with this comp. This one which is a general thread for ideas, general chat about the event, a poll for dates of the comp as well as team lists. A topic to go over all of the rules for the event, and a topic for the updated leader board and entry submissions. Further topics will be created once the dates are confirmed.

For those who don't know, the dividing line is the Brisbane river. if you live North of the river, you're team North as well as a legend. If you live in the dregs of the world south of the River, you are a dirty dirty team south member. Let me know and i will add you to the team lists below. As always, this is a free event with the glory of the win being the prize!

Team North @christophagus@Jono4500@Tuna are fish 

Team South @ellicat @Neil Stratford@AUS-BNE-FISHO@tugger@kmcrosby78@Drop Bear


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2 hours ago, Cobiaaddict said:

Count me in Chris, 

I should be back on the water by then since having my shoulder operated on after a little on water mishap.  

Sorry to hear of your injury Cobia. 

By the way, I must be either injury prone or a fisherman myself. ‘Cause my arm is always in a cast.

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