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Peel island, 13/4/08


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Launched from wello at 10am in my viking ozzy to have a paddle around the bay and hopefully chase some tuna...

the water was amazing, even with the huge number of boats launching one after the other, the water was still incredibly clear.

went out to where angus showed me a reef once before and was rigging up a paternoster when the first bust up came up. threw some slugs around but they really diddnt stay around for too long. they pushed further and further towards peel and ofcourse i couldnt help but chase and chase. after about 2 hours of them beein just out of reach i had to stop for a break and realised just how far out i had paddled. i looked back and my stomach sank as i realised the journey back was not going to be easy. as i looked towards peel i thought i may as well go the whole way, as apparently the rainbow channel is full of tuna. the island always looked so close, but it was never to be. the kayak was filling up with water on the inside and i knew i had to land to empty it out. after another hour and a half i finaly made it to peel.

i was utterley exhausted.

i looked around to see if there were any tuna schools on the way home to make the paddle somewhat easier, but ofcourse, there were none.

i tried to take a photo of what wello point looked like from the island but my camera decided it too was to tired to do anymore work. basically the mainland looked like big hills, there was nothing that looked remotley like wellington point from peel, so i decided to have a punt and paddle in the direction i thought i came from.

got really tired on the way back and had a drop beside some boats to at least land 2 undersized squire and a flathead, before persuing on to what looked like some sort of civilisation. luckily for me the waves and the wind were behind me, which made the trip back much easier.

finally i could see i was getting close to land, but the more i paddled, the more i began to worry, as the land i was paddling to did not resemble what i had launched from. the trees were different, and there seemed to be some sort of restaraunt and a small lightouse on the point.

the long stretch of beacons that should have been telling me i had finally made it back were not there.

the islands i noticed on the way out had all but disapeared.

this was not looking good.

had i stupidly paddled to another island?

i finally made it to shore and stupidly asked a stranger where i had landed. he said cleveland :blink:

i had to call my olds and tell them to come get me to drive me back to my car so i could drive back from wello to cleveland.

what a trip...

the tuna got the better of me again...

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Hahaahaha mate!!

Thats an interesting day!

Jordan I dont want to sound like a prude mate but you should probably go in tandem for these bigger trips :P

Thats a mammoth paddle for an Ozzie by the way well done!

Maybe its time for a GPS??


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maybe its time for me to use my brain from time to time, god im such an idiot.

i asked some boat that stoped to see if i needed any help if he had a can of coke haha unfortunatley he diddnt. if he had of asked half an hour later i probably would have accepted...

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yea i wasnt intending on going to peel, i just kept chasing the tuna without realising how far i had gone.

never going to atempt that again...

just out of curiosity does anyone know how much closer peel is to cleveland rather than wello?

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Jordan.... You're crazy. You really shouldn't go further out than visible range without some sort of tool for navigation as I'm sure you have found out:) The bay is a fairly large place for a yak, and the ozzie is not by no means the best yak for that sort of journey.

Good to hear you got back safely though :)

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If you went and stood on the island, that's almost 10 kilometres from Wello in a straight line. in contrast, it's just under 5kilometres from cleveland.

Given you're sitting down in a kayak, you paddled to, what looked like the horizon... TWICE (or there abouts) :P (From wello)

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yea definatley, you know im always more than keen to catch a tuna, pm me all the details.

haha i nearly wet myself twice, once when a huge shadow passed under the kayak (turned out to be a huge turtle) and second when a boat resembling water police pulled up beside me but it turned out to be randoms seeing if i needed help. im not sure what sort of safety gear i need in the bay but i think i had better invest in some before my next trip...

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lol!!! i cant believe how much further away it was from wello to peel compared to cleveland to peel. no wonder i couldnt see wello.

my shoulders and legs are in alot of pain. not sure why the legs are since i certainly diddnt walk from cleveland to wello with my kayak...

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fishyman wrote:

i heard casting big SP's instead of slugs at schools works just as good or better, dunno if true but worth a shot. like a nice long jerk shad type plastic

7" Bass Assasin, Opening Night, My mate was hit on a 25gream Gillies Pillie in a white colour

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Mate I am betting you are totally aching all over right now. Thank god it was such a nice day yesterday ;)

As the other boys have said there a couple of things you really need to do Firstly, make sure you have enough water for the trip there & back, I always try and take at least 2 bottles with me. If I knew I was paddling over 10km like you did then I'd take more.

Secondly, get a PFD, its essential, Amex style don't leave home without it.

If you can afford it then a GPS or at least a Beacon to Beacon might be a good idea for ya :) And make sure you tell someone where to find the body .... err I mean where you're going B):cheer: :P :laugh:

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Yea Jordan, let me know too when you are heading out next and I will give the 'Water Rats' some forwarning.

Sounds like a cheap water resistant GPS would have saved a fair bit of hard 'yakka'. I have this one on my boat just to get me back to point A from B etc. Current exchange rate you are looking about $140


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yea it was only supposed to be a couple of hour trip to the close by reefs at wello so i diddnt bring any food or water. farrrr out after i got to peel all i could think about was ice cream lol!

ill have to get a pfd before i go out again for sure, but ill never attempt a journey like that again.

whos keen to chase some tuna this weekend !!??

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