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First fish caught with HB SX40 333 in Newstead


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Hi all,

Went to Newstead with my mates around 7 to flick my stick(!)... Wanna try out the SX40 for the first time and wanted to prove to my mates that HB works...

It was during incoming tide so my mates went to cast the nets for prawns and he caught some small bait fishes, which is quite nice... While he was doing that, I went to cast from the pontoon side all the way to the middle section of the walkway...Got bites here and there but no hook ups, must be small fish anyway so I walk back to the park, saw the sand flats and I thought, hum... there must be some flathead according to what other people say... So I tried out..

Using a slow 3 circle turn with 2 seconds pause, until the line was around 2 to 3 metres away from me... WHAM!!!!!!! A fish gulp my SX40 333 and the rod was shaking like hell (I'm a newbie so might not be that exciting to others :unsure: ) and I land the fish and mate, it's a 45cm lizzard... What a catch, my mates were impressed that HB works :P

So I went casting along the breakfast creek side and I also caught a good size bream, that was also fun.. Here are some photos

[img size=410]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Photo0311.jpg


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That's the great thing about this site. you came and asked a few questions got some advice and now you're on your way to some awesome fun. Once you start getting fish on lures you'll become seriously addicted. Just hope you are prepared for the hole in your wallet;)

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