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Boat ramp protocol


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Recently I have had some issues at different boat ramps and the way people use them and not consider others. It has certainly not got to the boat ramp rage stage (and doubt it ever will) but is this a common occurence. I am trying to teach my young fella how to do the right thing and we see lots of rude and unorganised people at the ramps. The things we see are

- Using 2 lanes instead of one

- Not being ready to launch and doing all of the pre launch stuff on the ramp itself

- Pushing in

- Taking 10+ attempts at reversing

- General reudeness

Do others encounter the same or I am just a whinging old fart.

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Maybe they could

1. use some of the $50M to put up ettiquette signs at ramps

2. include some guidance in licence courses

3. include some literature in the rego renewal bills

4. have an ongoing add in relevant magazines.

We were all beginners once. I like to offer assistance rather than agro. But there's regularly just inconsiderate people at ramps that pi$$ me off no matter how many deep breaths I take.

Then there's those non-trailer towing cars that think the long parking spots are just funny big parking spots :S

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Iv only been lucky enough to encounter one day where the ramp at wello was full. I am one of the people that is not an expert at reversing. 90% of the time i get it right in 1 go but iv never really had to fit inbetween 2 cars and would like to think i could do it but would probably be one of these 3 times is a charm people :D

though doing it in an impreza is fair hard when your so low so i reckon i go alright.

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Reversing with the boat on is OK, but with just the trailer I find it a bit harder and have to slow down and use the side mirrors. If I get it too far off course I just get out and lift the trailer into the right position:blink: It's a bit embarrassing but much quicker:blush:

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People can improve their backing skills it is ones who stop half way down the ramp and then proceed to unload all their gear out of the car and put it in the boat and when they return they stop halfway up the ramp and remove their bung plugs and drain the boat and after the boat is drained proceed to unload their gear out of the boat intp the car GRRRRR.


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The thing that gets me up the most is people who decide they can park anywhere they want and either untie or tie down their boat. Go to a fricken parking spot and do it there. You see it all the time at Jacobs Well to the point where they have put bins in the way to stop people parking in an area.

I will reproduce a post I had on another website in here to give you my top 5 ramp indescretions!

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Booty have u found out the flare regulations, if you can carry old ones as spare?.


BTW. What pisses me off the most is people who have tinnies or small boats and feel the need to reverse right down with water up to the hubs. Then fartassing around and bringing their boat right next to the ramp instead of 20metres away on the beach while the driver goes and parks the car.

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Here is the other post, reproduced without any permission from them as I posted it originally and couldnt give a stuff anyway!

Thought after watching a mustang being loaded onto a trailer towed by a red commodore yesterday at Jacobs Well that its about time to have my 2 bobs worth about ramp etiquette and pratices.

So here they are... Booty's top 5

1) People who park anywhere but in a marked bay to prep or 'de'prep their boat. There are masses of parking spaces, use them and keep the centre passage and ramp free for those who are using it.

2) People who come back from a day out on the water and beach their boat right next to the ramp forcing those further along to walk their boat out and around to get to the trailer. Park out near the edges and hopefully all shuffle down in turn.

3) People who strap all the kids into the car before launching and retrieving the boat. Please, unbuckle and clear all the kids from the car prior. Park them on the bench, buy them an icecream or something, I know its a 'safe place' for them but for goodness sake dont leave them in the car when on the ramp just incase something untoward happens...cause it does!

5) People who approach the ramps at 30knts and back off at the last second. Its like they need to make sure the motor 'goes hard' just before they shut it off so that its peace of mind for next time. Other people are retrieving their boats at the same time. Have a bit of thought for them and how p1ssed off you would be if they did it forcing the bow of your boat off the roller and slamming it down on the trailer.

Where is 4).... Well I couldnt think of enough. But I am sure others have plenty more to add!

So take a bit of stock, have you ever done any or all of the above. Could you do things better and thus make everyones day on the water more enjoyable?

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Guys i agre with most comments made about reversing issues, etc but the part where everyone says ou cant stand guys who prep / de prep there boat at the boat ramp.

I'm , obviously a minority :), can't afford a boat trailer for my tinny (i'd like to though) and therefore have to use my ute to transport my tinny around when i want to go fishing. Generally im fishing by myself, so (as Jeff can attest) launching and loading my boat onto the ute is sometimes a bit difficult and takes me one or two attempts to get the nose up and stay up while i get around the back of the boat to push it up onto the tray. Also, unless youre built like Arnie (which i am far from, people commonly mistake me for a lamp post) I can not lift or transport my boat, on the back of my ute, with my 8hp, fuel tank, fishing gear, esky etc in the boat, otherwise it would be nigh on impossible for me to get it back on the ute, hence i have to take outboard of ute, bolt onto out board, fill boat with all my crap etc, before i leave shore... And sometimes its not feasible to push the boat of the ute, park the car and carry everything back and forward to the boat. I dont want to start any wars but i think some people dont consider the fact that not all of us have or can afford boat trailers for our boats, and short of not fishing just to keep the majority happy i can't really think of any other options open to people like me :)

My $0.02

Post edited by: Bullrout, at: 2007/08/22 19:06

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Your right. There are not many other options for guys without trailers. So no problem there. But what is really annoying are the guys who have a trailer and do every thing on the ramp.

Once at Borumba Dam, this guy (who had a trailer) backed his boat & trailer down the ramp stopped, undid his rigging, put everything into the boat, took off his road lights and even put his engine onto the boat. This took 1/2 and hour or so and we were wiating the entire time. He was in the middle of the narrow ramp. That was annoying.

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I have no hassels with anyone who launches their vessel in an efficient manner no matter how long it takes. You obviously have a method that you use and I would not abuse you but I would probably ask if you needed a hand.

I always offer a hand if I see someone having difficulties managing as it benefits me as well as the other person.

It is the uncaring persons who do not think and dodders about without any prior preparation that gets up my nose.

I learnt my ramp protocul by experience and observation and other people giveing my a hand. It is sometimes only a simple thing like unwinding your winch rope before backing the trailer down the ramp that makes a difference.

There is probably a need for a phamplet or a section in some of the publications to list the dos and donts associated with boat ramp protocol.


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Some people make a easy job hard, still I only have a real problem with the people who think they own the ramp and they will take as long as they like. I get my tinny on the trailer then drive out of the way to strap it & the motor down undo bungs & get ready to drive home.

Although lucky down at Tweed we have a few ramps to use, and only real busy on the weekends.

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The only thing I would like to add is:

Please offer to help others out, don't stand near by pissing yourself with laughter while the boat falls off the trailer or gets scrapped accross the ramp.

You will find that the ramp clears a lot faster if you assist instaed of mocking.

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Brian D wrote:

The only thing I would like to add is:

Please offer to help others out, don't stand near by pissing yourself with laughter while the boat falls off the trailer or gets scrapped accross the ramp.

You will find that the ramp clears a lot faster if you assist instaed of mocking.

What about Jetskis though? Sometimes quite happy to watch them self destruct along with their toys after rooting around at the ramp doing all of the above stuff listed while listening along with the rest of the neighbourhood to their 'doof doof', and ofcourse with the boot open so everyone can admire their 'fully sick' amp and sub combination with blue fluro surrounds. (You can see I am a real fan of....not!)

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bootyinblue wrote:

Brian D wrote:
The only thing I would like to add is:

Please offer to help others out, don't stand near by pissing yourself with laughter while the boat falls off the trailer or gets scrapped accross the ramp.

You will find that the ramp clears a lot faster if you assist instaed of mocking.

What about Jetskis though? Sometimes quite happy to watch them self destruct along with their toys after rooting around at the ramp doing all of the above stuff listed while listening along with the rest of the neighbourhood to their 'doof doof', and ofcourse with the boot open so everyone can admire their 'fully sick' amp and sub combination with blue fluro surrounds. (You can see I am a real fan of....not!)

umm dont you get payed to drive a disco car :laugh:

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