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AFO Wanderers Borumba Dam Weekend Report


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Here goes with the Wander’s Borumba Report. I got PM from TackleBox on Wednesday, Kreel had to work so She was going to get a lift up with me. For those of you that have been in my car it was badly in need of a clean and no place for a lady. :pinch: :S So The pressure was on to do a biannual clean of the Car. This done and Ute packed, boat on we head up after I dropped the kids at school. Jacob tried to stop me going by falling off the ropes climb and hurting his back. Me being the concerned dad brushed him off, gave him some Panadol, head off to fishing, and told the school to ring his mother if he complained. :whistle: :evil:

So underway to pick up Tbox, when I get a call from a client that their server is down. Some quick phone support and it is back up running, all the while thinking it is only 2 hours and I am out of service and free. :blush: :angry:

The drive up was great and we were created by a grinning Dazza and family, and Tomca. We quickly set up the Tarp and TBox’s Tent, (you owe us Kreel) and we head out for an afternoons fish and explore of the dam. The weather was awesome apart from a little wind but that was easy to get out of in the Dam. TBox was on first with a little rat bass but she was pleased to get off the mark.


Nothing much was happening there so we decided to try further up the arm, however the further up we got the colder the water got with the inflows, with the temperature getting down to 16 degrees. It really was impressive to see how much water must have flowed into the dam with refuse hung up on trees 2 to 3 meters above the water height. It was getting cold so we called it a day and with TBox pining away for Baden I thought I should take her back to the camp to see if he had arrived.



This is where I had my next Ellicouit moment. I backed the trailer down the concrete boat ramp, and went to load the boat and went arse up on the ramp hurt my back and cracked my head. Watch out DO NOT USE the concrete ramp as algae is on it and it is greasy. Wet and the head hurting I snuck back into camp.

Few more campers had setup by this time, and with some late comers still to arrive. The beers flowed with some spirits thrown in as well. This was enough lubricant to get the loose talk and frivolities flowing and a great night was had around the camp fire.

All of us keen to get an early start we rose at 5am to freezing temps, dry mouths and blurry heads. Hit the water in the dark and started our assault on the Toga. Three hours past and the sun is just starting to hit the water when Tom (TomB) is onto a 35cm Bass. Thinking this was going to be the start of an onslaught, we continued up to the end of the arm and peppered snags and weed banks. It was not to long before I was onto my first fish of the trip a 46cm Bass and a PB for me. We continued to fish up the arm with large schools of bass under the boat but sulking. We managed another two fish from this school. Lunchtime was called.




Back at camp Lance and Co where over the moon with their success having landed 4 toga and dropping another 10 on the troll. I will let them add the photos and add their reports but I am pretty sure they landed at least one fish over 60cm which is in the running for Fish of the month. Tom and I head up the same arm but ended up with a donut for this session. Lance and Co picked up another Toga and a 30+ Bass for their efforts.

MadMullet (Kurt) and Sharklady (Ash) where back at camp and by far the most successful fishermen having landed 23 bass in their afternoon session. I am not sure what was their biggest Bass but I think at least one where around the 50 mark. So I guess I will have to be happy with the second place for my bass.

Sunday we awoke to a freezing morning. As we head up the lake we could not feel our hands and I think I heard Tom mumbling that he could have stayed at home to catch Bass. Tom was quickly onto another nice little bass at this spot.

Lance had caught up with Kurt and he had already landed 8 bass for the morning. He took off from his spot and to check his pots and we thought he had left so desperate as we where to catch a fish Lance and Co and ourselves jumped on his spot only to have Kurt return. Sorry mate. We decided to head off and have a look around. We caught up with Dazza and Ross up towards Borumba creek just in time to record his impressive Tandanus. We decided to hang around and work the bank and it was not long before Tom was onto another nice bass. Donut for me but I really enjoyed the day after the sun came up.



Caught up with (buggerme) my bro and he had a big smile on his face. I was thinking that I should just take off now before he told me he had caught a toga, considering it was his first trip and this was my 6 without a toga. He picked up a nice little toga going 56cm and another 30 something bass.


So at the end of the trip

Walrus Boat – 7 bass

Tomca Crew – not sure but at least 3 bass for the first day

Dazza Boat - 1 x Tandanus

Madmullet boat – 60+ bass

Eug Boat – a couple of bass and some sightings

Hulk – donut

Buggerme – 1 x Toga, 2 bass

Lance and Co. – 7 Toga and 2 Bass

Land based Fishos – not sure.

Tupperware – unknown

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Thanks everybody for coming and I think a fun weekend was had by all. Next time I will try and make it a little warmer.

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So at the end of the trip

Walrus Boat – 7 bass

Tomca Crew – not sure but at least 3 bass for the first day

Dazza Boat - 1 x Tandanus

Madmullet boat – 60+ bass

Eug Boat – a couple of bass and some sightings

Hulk – donut

Buggerme – 1 x Toga, 2 bass

Lance and Co. – 7 Toga and 2 Bass

Land based Fishos – not sure.

Tupperware – unknown

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Thanks everybody for coming and I think a fun weekend was had by all. Next time I will try and make it a little warmer.

hahah and on the madmullet boat most of that 60 was me!!! but dont tell kurt heheheh

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Here goes with the Wander’s Borumba Report. I got PM from TackleBox on Wednesday, Kreel had to work so She was going to get a lift up with me. For those of you that have been in my car it was badly in need of a clean and no place for a lady. :pinch: :S So The pressure was on to do a biannual clean of the Car. This done and Ute packed, boat on we head up after I dropped the kids at school. Jacob tried to stop me going by falling off the ropes climb and hurting his back. Me being the concerned dad brushed him off, gave him some Panadol, head off to fishing, and told the school to ring his mother if he complained. :whistle: :evil:

So underway to pick up Tbox, when I get a call from a client that their server is down. Some quick phone support and it is back up running, all the while thinking it is only 2 hours and I am out of service and free. :blush: :angry:

The drive up was great and we were created by a grinning Dazza and family, and Tomca. We quickly set up the Tarp and TBox’s Tent, (you owe us Kreel) and we head out for an afternoons fish and explore of the dam. The weather was awesome apart from a little wind but that was easy to get out of in the Dam. TBox was on first with a little rat bass but she was pleased to get off the mark.


Nothing much was happening there so we decided to try further up the arm, however the further up we got the colder the water got with the inflows, with the temperature getting down to 16 degrees. It really was impressive to see how much water must have flowed into the dam with refuse hung up on trees 2 to 3 meters above the water height. It was getting cold so we called it a day and with TBox pining away for Baden I thought I should take her back to the camp to see if he had arrived.



This is where I had my next Ellicouit moment. I backed the trailer down the concrete boat ramp, and went to load the boat and went arse up on the ramp hurt my back and cracked my head. Watch out DO NOT USE the concrete ramp as algae is on it and it is greasy. Wet and the head hurting I snuck back into camp.

Few more campers had setup by this time, and with some late comers still to arrive. The beers flowed with some spirits thrown in as well. This was enough lubricant to get the loose talk and frivolities flowing and a great night was had around the camp fire.

All of us keen to get an early start we rose at 5am to freezing temps, dry mouths and blurry heads. Hit the water in the dark and started our assault on the Toga. Three hours past and the sun is just starting to hit the water when Tom (TomB) is onto a 35cm Bass. Thinking this was going to be the start of an onslaught, we continued up to the end of the arm and peppered snags and weed banks. It was not to long before I was onto my first fish of the trip a 46cm Bass and a PB for me. We continued to fish up the arm with large schools of bass under the boat but sulking. We managed another two fish from this school. Lunchtime was called.




Back at camp Lance and Co where over the moon with their success having landed 4 toga and dropping another 10 on the troll. I will let them add the photos and add their reports but I am pretty sure they landed at least one fish over 60cm which is in the running for Fish of the month. Tom and I head up the same arm but ended up with a donut for this session. Lance and Co picked up another Toga and a 30+ Bass for their efforts.

MadMullet (Kurt) and Sharklady (Ash) where back at camp and by far the most successful fishermen having landed 23 bass in their afternoon session. I am not sure what was their biggest Bass but I think at least one where around the 50 mark. So I guess I will have to be happy with the second place for my bass.

Sunday we awoke to a freezing morning. As we head up the lake we could not feel our hands and I think I heard Tom mumbling that he could have stayed at home to catch Bass. Tom was quickly onto another nice little bass at this spot.

Lance had caught up with Kurt and he had already landed 8 bass for the morning. He took off from his spot and to check his pots and we thought he had left so desperate as we where to catch a fish Lance and Co and ourselves jumped on his spot only to have Kurt return. Sorry mate. We decided to head off and have a look around. We caught up with Dazza and Ross up towards Borumba creek just in time to record his impressive Tandanus. We decided to hang around and work the bank and it was not long before Tom was onto another nice bass. Donut for me but I really enjoyed the day after the sun came up.



Caught up with (buggerme) my bro and he had a big smile on his face. I was thinking that I should just take off now before he told me he had caught a toga, considering it was his first trip and this was my 6 without a toga. He picked up a nice little toga going 56cm and another 30 something bass.


So at the end of the trip

Walrus Boat – 7 bass

Tomca Crew – not sure but at least 3 bass for the first day

Dazza Boat - 1 x Tandanus

Madmullet boat – 60+ bass

Eug Boat – a couple of bass and some sightings

Hulk – donut

Buggerme – 1 x Toga, 2 bass

Lance and Co. – 7 Toga and 2 Bass

Land based Fishos – not sure.

Tupperware – unknown

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Thanks everybody for coming and I think a fun weekend was had by all. Next time I will try and make it a little warmer.

Geez, 7 toga to bass, that is an impressive ratio!!

Looks like a nice weekend despite some of the fish being hard to find, well done boys!

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Would like to start off my small report with thanking Ted for organising the weekend and all the other AFO'ers who are a great bunch of people to hang around a camp fire with and also do a bit of fishing.

I got there pretty late on Friday night, so a quick hello to the fellow members and a couple beers and then off to bed in the back of my car !!!

Eug and his partner Tina were kind enough to have me on their boat, Saturday comes around and we have a late start on the water around 9am ish... I must say that this place is very beatiful, the landscape is something i haven't seen in QLD yet so was quite a treat, as we are cruising the Dam Eug and I are trying to wotk out our spots and with some logic applied we found a few places to try... it was a very hard days fishing with hundreds if not a thousand casts thrown at every possible snag known to man, not only that but some of the casts on to the snags nearly looked impossible to man and somehow would land inch perfect to the spot we aimed for... as this occured there was words of praise, great cast, how'ed you get it there... wow... that cast deserves a fish & so on coming from all three of us at various stages.... but no fish.

We both a had a couple decent hits but no hook ups, we would see some occasional action on the surface which kept us motivated but that was the hight of action for Saturday.

We head back chat to the other guys and re think a strategy and 1st light on Sunday we head out again, we hit the same spot as yesterday but thought it would be more productive, lots more actions around but still no fish, i put on a spinner bait i bought from Imbil and third cast i get a hit, a couple seconds later, nothing Grrrrr !!! we keep at it and decided to venture into further parts of the dam.

As we head deeper we find the dam is now looking more like a river and start to see a lot of small bait being harrased, all our eyes lighten up and and we are about to grab our rods and then WOOOOSH !!! right next to the boat we all saw Toga break the surface and head back down, easily a metre long beast !!! the poor fella was only inches away from being run over.... still a catch is a catch right :silly: :lol:

We fished and we fished some more, threw everything i had in the tackle box but to no avail. Unfortunately it was a massive donut for me and probably the hardest as we tried everything to catch some fish in this lovely dam !!!!

Will definitely go back in warmer months to try a break the hoo doo

Special thanks to Eug & Tina for the deckie spot and great company !!! til next time.......

P.S Thanks to Tomca for the YAK even though it didn't get wet :)

Oh yeah and there may be a story about Eug & I chasing a lung fish, i mean Toga, no lung fish or something for about an hour in one spot, very entertaining until we realised it was a lung fish !!! :evil:

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Cheers to all for another great wanderers weekend away and kudos to Ted for the organisation.

Manni has pretty much summed up our trip, we had some cracking casts and tried a variety of lures to no avail. I stuck to my plan with large stick baits and sub surface lures and didn't get much love for it. Would have been nice to nail a few bass but I came for the Toga party and resulted in a big fatty donut. Plenty of structure and we covered a lot of ground but it was the Sunday morning in which we really had a shot, plenty of bait fish and a nice bit of water where the sunrise was significantly later which really got us pumped. A sighting of a large Toga saw us peppering a short stretch of water for about an hour or so only to find out that it was a Lungy.

Nice having you onboard Manni, you're a good bloke and a welcome deckie.

Was nice to meet Gaz & Nicole - cheers for chasing us down on Friday night. Was good to meet some new guys, Hilly, Kurt, Ash, Tom, Manni and to catch up with some familiar faces, Daz & family, tbox, Baden and Ted.

Eug & Tina

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Looks like I missed out, not the cold but brrrr. That place will freeze over one day :whistle: It sounds like you guys made it through the weekend without being told to f off due to the noise, hahaha.

Hahaha there was a murmur by the care taker about noise but it seemed most of us AFO'ers were driving too fast in to the camp grounds whch he didn't like lol

I found it quite funny how old mate would stalk us and on multiple occasions ask if we have already paid, in reply it was like YES !! we paid like 2 hours ago hahaha

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Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to Ted for organizing this outing and having us along with all you guys and girls.

This bunch of AFO people would have to be one of the nicest groups of people I have ever had the pleasure of spending a weekend away fishing with.

Each and every one there made us feel so welcome and wanted around the campsite and it was just a pleasure to meet you all.Thank you to everyone.

Now to the fishing report.

My 2 mates Brendan and Stu and myseflf decided to head up a few days earlier than the others and arrived at the campsite around lunch time on Wednesday.

We set up camp and got the boat ready and we launched about 3.30pm and headed out and found a area to set our yabby pots.

Once these were in we went and had a quick recon around the lake to see what areas and structure was on offer as well as the all important water temps as this was our first time ever to Borumba.

We fished a few great looking areas and came up with zilch so we shot off to an area which looked promising with lots of lilly pads and bait flicking all over the place.

Stu nailed a nice 60 odd cm toga immediately and we missed a few as well.

We headed back to camp just on dark to get ready for a full on assault the next morning.

We checked the yabby pots on the way back and got around 60 nice large redclaw for dinner.

Thursady morning seen us launching in the dark and we head flat chat up into the Yabba arm where we scored Stu's toga and missed a few others in what appeared to be a very short feeding window.

We fished hard for no result so we head back to camp for lunch with a quick check of the yabby pots for another 60 or 70 large redclaw.

The arvo saw us looing in the other arms only to find find nothing again so Thursday was a donut day for ua all.

Fri morning we headed back up the Yabba for an even harder look around as this seemed to have the only signs I could find throughout the entire lake of maybe producing a few fish if we could work them out.

We looked right up to the running waters of Yabba Creek but this water was extremely cold o we got out of there very quickly.

About half way back down the arm we found an area of warmer water and massive schools of boney bream and other bait flicking around on the surface so it was here we decided to make our assault on the toga.

Throughout the day we seen probably 100 toga herding through the bait but we only managed to boat 2 or 3 fish but we missed quite a lot.

Unfortunately the toga were very sluggish to strike the lures which resulted in many fish throwing the hooks very quickly after a quick roll on the surface or a jump or two.

At this stage most toga were on surface lures and the lure of choice was the black Jitterbugs.

Saturday morning we were back there at the crack of daylight and wandered the edges flicking every lure imaginable at them for zilch but we were not going to give up.

The sun finally hit the water several hours later and all of a sudden the toga came to the surface again and started feeding on the bait that began flicking every where again.

Within 20 minutes this 200 meter stretch of water was a mass of toga boiling up on the surface and strangely enough these fish were all out in the middle of the creek again,just like the day before and not so many around the edges.

It was then I decided to move out and try a troll for something different up and down the creek bed.

Immediately we hook up to a nice toga and throughout the morning we landed 4 fish and lost 10 others.

I landed the last fish at 11.30 am and we decided to leave them biting and head back to have a feed and recharge the batteries ready for a huge assault that evening.

We went back that arvo to only score one toga and a bass so we stuffed up badly by leaving them that morning but thats fishing.

Sunday morning we were back there but the fish were off the bite now and I scored one toga about 45cm on the troll.

By 10am we decided to troll down to another area where we did score a fish and missed a few and on the way I hooked up to something which smoked me big time.

It had to be a biggish cod as the bugger hit so hard I could not get the rod out of the holder which ended up with a bust off.

We then ran into Kurt and his lovely lady and they had been getting a nice lot of Bass and then Ted and Tom arrived for a chat.

As we were chatting Kurt packed up and left so we decided to wander over and have a quick flick for a bass.

Third cast later and Kurt arrived back to find us on his spot so we had a few casts and went back looking for a toga to no avail.

I think he must have gone to check his pots for a bit then came back so sorry for jumping the gun Kurt.

Turns out you were too efficient and caught them all anyway,lol.

On the way home we pulled the poits out and back to camp for the big pack up and head home.

All up we had a great trip and managed a few fish in what was a very tough few days on the toga with the erratic barometer and water temps but for winter I think we did okay anyway.

We averaged 120 to 150 redclaw a day so we got to bring home a good feed of something.

Anyway a big thanks again to everyone there this weekend as we had a ball and got the pleasure of meeting some really wonderful people and we will be back.
















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Hilly Adam Hulk here. After many turkeys I was answering to almost anything. Turned up early Saturday morning to be greeted by some faces I can now put to the names to. Spent alot of time with Gaz and his wife Nic trekking the creeks between Borumba and Imbil so thanks for having me tag along. I even managed to go arse up when going down a steep decline and ended up with skids on the pants although Dassa was trying to convince all and sundry that it was another natural event which caused the skids.I didn't have much luck fishing but took solace in knowing I wasn't the only one struggling to find them.Really enjoyed Tomca's masterchef lava damper effort with rock exterior and soft interior which came right on the back of my charcoal garlic bread. Once again thanks to all for the great company and look forward to next time.

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How do I start... thanks to Ted for looking after the boss (tBox and bringing her up setting up the tent and making me dinner, fluffing the pillows and the kiss good-night). I genuinely have to thank Dassa (yeah it surprised me too) and Cheryl and their boys - Andrea and Megan (poofy names for boys but better than Shamiqua) for making it seem like I was out with the fam. They really know how to make you feel looked after and safe.

On the other side thank you to the feral guy who slept in his boat under a tarp, roamed around the site in the wee hours of the morning eating left over snags and fish-heads (I'm assuming here; but there were no fish-heads when I got up in the morning). He made me feel like we were on a real adventure and could die at any second if we looked cross-eyed at him. So Ted goes a bit feral when he doesn't have the kids around, all good and he only bit one chicken-head off, so no harm.

As has already been said, tBox came up early Friday with Ted while I toiled away in Brismore. I'd loaded the car the night before and sent tBox up to sweet-talk the lads into setting up the tent (job done). As I said I packed everything and had my clothes bag sitting on the chair in the lounge... which is where I found it Sunday when we got back.

Camping with one pair of skiddies: interesting and very liberating, I can now see no real reason why I can't spend a month thinking up new and interesting ways to wear my jocks. We did get into the big-smoke (Imbil) Saturday morning where I managed to get a new fishing shirt from the Tackle shop and a new party shirt from the local hippie emporium - think Bali, patchoulie and insence - or that Angus hippie.

Onto the fishing - the wind was up Saturday so tBox and I went into Imbil and launched under the bridge and made our way up the river towards the dam. We spent hours and hours in the most fishy water I have ever seen. Every clichéd fishy spot you could imagine was there and no matter what we tried - not a nibble. I went through 20 or 30 lures and NOTHING. on the way back it was a different story... one fish or at least tBox saw a BIG fish under her yak. SO I decided to camp myself beside the spot we saw the fsh and throw everything at it. I saw the bastard bother bait fish, swirl its tail on the surface, fart and burp but it wouldn't take a lure. I'm going back to that spot with a truck load of concrete and land-lock the mongrel.

Sunday, our first day on the dam and it is really beautiful, I'll let tBox put up some photos. We spent an hour or so peddaling across the dam to throw thousands of casts at some eminently fishy spots and nothing.

Bottom line is tBox out-fished me 1 fish to nil.


It was lovely to see some ugly mugs I've seen too often (yes Puss, Ted and Dass, I'm thinking of you) and some lovely broads Cheryl and the EMO chick in the corner and the emo's husband Ross, it was also good to see a bunch of guys and gals I rarely see Eug, Tina, Manni etc. It was disappointing not to meet up with Mr Mullet as I've read too many of your reports not to put a face to the name and your soon to be spouse Sharklady, I have time I will catch up with you somewhere.

Special thanks to Mr Walrus for being so scary and butch and for organising such a great event...

...and remember what goes tour stays on tour!

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I would like to second Lances appreciation to the boys from AFO and thank them for their great hospitality and warm welcome. Although i have been a member for several years now i have not really been active or met any members till this weekend. I would also like to thank Lance for the invite to Borumba. I had a great time on the Toga and feel lucky to have been in the right place at the right time for the hot bite that we had.

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Sounds like some AFO bonding was at the forefront for the weekend. Good to hear ladies and gents.

Remembering back to the opening post....Jacob falls and hits his head and Ted says Man Up little one I'm going fishing.....and then Ted falls and hits his head trying to go fishing. :dry: Is that a karma thing ? :P:lol::lol: Hope the noggins alright Ted.

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At only my second trip away with the group we had a great time. Wonderful bunch of guys and settled in easily after a few warming spirits on the first night, anthough i must say even the motion of a boat on a flat lake was a bit rough at 6am the next morning. Very happy with my Toga being only my second ever and an awefully long time between drinks since the first one.

Sorry you havent caught one yet Ted, oh well there is always next time, hey gives you a good excuse to go back hey. :cheer:

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As has been stated before what a gem of a weekend we arrived friday morning about 10.30 with my mate ross his misses fran (or as kreel called her that emo chick)and little fella will (or as kreel called him nancy) why only kreel could say.As it turned out it was more a weekend of what I had forgotten lights,tackle tray of spinner baits (which seemed to work on everthing),money and I think my head.




We hit the water friday afternoon with out any luck


Ross trying to tell me how big the fish he was going to catch





some of the scenenery from borumba

Then to the fire talk blah blah blah was the topic of the night along with kreels slepping partner










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